Start today – I want to read your book!
Have you ever had the urge to write a book?
That deep desire to entertain, express yourself, teach something, or just prove to yourself you can do it?
Worried that you can’t do it or don’t have the time?
Yeah – if not, then you are a MUCH bigger and better person than I am! In which case I would kindly ask that we be friends so you can whip me into shape! :)
The following realization about time related to writing really hit home with me. See if does for you, too. My example here is for a book… hint, hint on future projects!
In Writing, The Importance of Commitment: ASSUMPTIONS:
- Let’s assume you can type 60 words per minute or so.
- That would be roughly 320 words per page.
- Let’s choose to set a goal of 10 pages per chapter.
- Let’s also choose 33 chapters to flesh out a full book.
- Your book will be 330 pages long.
- Which is about 105,600 words total.
- This whole book would take about 1,760 minutes to write.
- That’s 29 hours.
- Which is 88 individual 20 minute chunks of writing or roughly 4 pages per sitting.
- So if I only did 1, 5-minute-chunk per day (a single page), I’d have a full book done in less than a year.
- Or: 3 months to a new book @ 20 minutes of writing per day. (my ideal choice or maybe twice this on ambitious days)
- But if I was feeling REALLY gung-ho: 30 days to a new book @ 1 hour per day.
My only question for me (and you!) is… why the heck haven’t I (you!) started??!??!?!?