Some days are just tougher on your self confidence than others and it seems like everything is just going wrong, no matter what you do, no matter how you plan for the day. Sure enough, the thing you just didn’t want to happen just pops right on up, smacks you in the face, and says, “Guess what, buddy? I’m here for you,” and there are five questions you can ask yourself to rise above it all and be confident. So stop doubting and boost yourself with these five questions.

“My hair is just so beautiful I doubt anyone will ever think I need to wash it. How can I go on with these troubles? SOMEBODY HELP ME!”
1. What Am I Afraid Of?
Quell this fear of the unknown by asking yourself what is it specifically that you’re afraid of. Get down to the nitty-gritty detail and make a list of five to 10 parts of this big unknown thing to where you have a short list of actual things that scare you or that you’re unsure of.
2. Why Are You Afraid Of It?
Go through that list you just created and ask yourself for each one why, specifically, are you afraid of each one of those things happening? Is it just the idea? Is it the outcome that you perceive will happen? Or is there some history or experience that you’ve had before that just sets you off? Dive into the details here of why.
3. What Will Happen If Those Happen?
Now that you’ve figured out the ‘what’ and the ‘why’ for your list of things, here’s where you question yourself on figuring out, well, what would probably happen if any of those things came true? Now, I know you’re not going to know exactly what happens otherwise it probably wouldn’t be an issue, but here dive into each one and figure out, okay, if even number one happened then I can say with a reasonable guess that this bad thing would happen, and this good thing would happen, and these two okay things would probably happen. Figure out what you think will happen. Put it into words.
4. What Would You Do Then?
Go through your list again after you figure out what would probably happen and ask yourself: what would you do if they happened? What are your immediate actions and reactions? What steps are you going to take in the next 15 minutes, in the next one hour, in the next day, in the next week, in the next month to work with, to deal with, or to get over those things that happened? Work through the actual steps so you understand the details that could be necessary, should any of those happen.
5. What Can I Do Now To Protect Myself?
Now that you have a thorough understanding of five to 10 possible outcomes, what those outcomes mean for your life and what you could probably do to help work with or get away from those outcomes, you have a pretty good plan on what you can do right now, right this very instant, to protect yourself from those five to 10 outcomes. You can set up your own virtual insurance or safety net to have a plan of action in place for these five to 10 things ahead of time. It’s kind of nice how that worked out, huh?
Keep Questioning = Be Confident
It’s not easy to stop doubting and to boost your confidence, but if you work through the five questions of figuring out what you’re afraid of, why you’re afraid of, what will happen if those things come true, what would you do, and how can you protect yourself from those things right this instant, you’ll have a better understanding of the situation and what you can do in the future. This greater awareness and understanding will give you the confidence to go and to know what to do in the future.