You know that negative dude at your work that’s always complaining, and walking around like he’s the grumpiest person on the Earth? I wonder what it is that makes him drive to be so grumpy every day. It seems that no matter what happens, he’s got a complaint, he’s got some critique about every little aspect of every little project.

“Oh yeah, looking over my shoulder and puffing my lips boost my confidence like mad. See, caught you looking… and reading… BOO!”
Now I understand that this is his way of providing input and contribution to the work at hand. It’s not the best way, but I also know he needs to show himself some respect and learn these four tips to boost his self-esteem so he can turn all of his critic nature into the positive side of contribution. I want to help you clean up your life and stay positive too.
Number One, Get Away From The Negative Self-Talk
Stop these routines and internal narratives that get you solely focused on the bad side of everything. If your first response to any feedback is defensive or hateful, then you know there’s something to that. There’s something behind the information you’re hearing that is causing you to be defensive and to go on that negative path. Figure out what that is and try to stay away from whatever that initiating event is so you can help calm down that negative self-talk, because it’s not helping you.
Number Two, Fix The Negative Talk From Others
If you’re around the complainer dude or other people that are causing frustration in your life from negativity, get away. If you have to kindly let them know that you’re not interested in this conversation, do it. Be professional but let them know that you really don’t have the energy or the time to include this negative routine into your day. I know it sounds weird and they’ll probably think you’re a goof and not want to hang around you anymore, but if that’s the case, bingo, you win.
Number Three, Have An Esteem Boosting Routine
I’m not talking about standing in front of a mirror and saying how much of an awesome unique snowflake you are. What I’m saying here is have a routine of being able to set yourself up for many wins. Small accomplishments that you can pat yourself on the back for and quite rightly so.
Sure, tell yourself that yes, you have succeeded in this path before, so you have an understanding of what’s necessary to get there. You’ve proven to yourself that you can do certain things. Use that experience to drive yourself down the path that you’re having some difficulty with.
Number Four, Know Your Mission In Life
So easy to say, so hard to do, right? That’s the thing, you don’t need to figure out your ultimate mission, you need to figure out your mission right now. If you want to take the military example aspect of it, sure, the overall goal is to win the war and cause peace over the Earth, but, for this particular battlefield, and this particular strategy, you have one mission, and that’s this minute local area that you need to conquer. Go at your life focusing on what your current singular mission is, and things just start to line up easier.
R-E-S-P-E-C-T: You Found Out Already
It’s time to show yourself some respect and use these four tips to boost your self-esteem and confidence. You need to get away from the negative self-talk, you need to fix the negative self-talk from others, you need to have an esteem-boosting routine, and you need to focus on your immediate mission in life. Do these things and you’ll be on your way to happiness and confidence that you can count on.