We all make mistakes and I would argue that there is no real growth in the world that doesn’t come from a mistake in the beginning. But, if you happen to make the exact same mistake, more than once, or maybe more than twice, then you’re doing it wrong. You’re not using the opportunity to learn from the mistake that you’ve been given.

“Fancy brown shoes again!? Uggg… this new trend is just driving me to wear white socks and just go Honey Badger on it all!”
Really, you should look at mistakes as gifts. I know that sounds weird, but it’s life’s way of saying, “hey, you didn’t do this right, but you’re still alive. So why don’t you see what you can gain from this, and do better next time.” This thinking will help you move on from that failure, and boost your confidence to go forward. Here are three ways to recover from life troubles that ruin your day.
Figure Out What You Can Learn From It
I don’t care how stupid, how ridiculous, or how bad the failure is. There is always something you can learn from it. There are multiple tiers of things you can learn from it. Of course, you can figure out the high level, what I shouldn’t do next time lesson, and this is the “yeah don’t break the law, don’t go over the speed limit, buckle up” types of lessons learned. Those are too easy.
What you probably need to look further into is the underlying principles that can be applicable to other parts of your life. And that would be the, “calm down before I decide to drive.” Have a routine for dealing with emotional pressures when in high stake conditions on the road. These are the underlying principles that will help you no matter the situation or failure you experience.
Make A Plan To Deal With It Next Time
So now you understand that there are levels of learning you can get from every mistake, and that you have to find some way to incorporate those into your life. Once you do that, then you can begin to see that it’s possible to set up a safety net from these things happening again. You can come up with a personal routine to prepare you for events, that will set yourself up for not being controlled by your emotional reactions.
This is especially true for the car examples that I’ve given. In that, if you’ve decided that safety and following the law is a higher priority to you, then dealing with some type of that cuts you off, and acts ridiculous on the road, is going to be irrelevant if you decide that following the speed limit or pulling over is the best option until that person gets out of the way. When you have a plan that is in line with your greater principles, the other dooftards that pop up in the way just won’t matter anymore.
Recover and Get On Up In Life
Some effective ways to recover from the troubles that life throws at you are to figure out what you can learn from any of the mistakes that happen, on all levels. Forgive all those involved, and make a plan to deal with these things next time. Once you do these things you can take back your life, and not let the world’s things ruin your day.