I remember the first time I was micromanaged by a project manager. And I want to tell you that was the absolute most frustrating, demoralizing and really difficult time that I had at any place I ever worked. I know how to handle it and work with it now, but at that time I was just completely taken back by how horrible the day got after having every bit of it controlled or at least monitored. It was horrible.

“YOU MAD BRO?! COME AT ME BRO!” said Gina as she discussed the latest TPS reports with her coworkers.
And you know what? I quickly realized that no matter what that person did or thought, it did not control me. These were just things that were floating around that I could choose to use however I wanted. It takes being assertive and doing it a lot to gain the confidence to know that yeah, what other people say doesn’t matter at all. And here are some reasons why:
1) You Are Worth Infinity, Regardless
I don’t know about your faith or religious situation, but I’m a Christian and I have been constantly reminded that I am worth infinity to God, and I completely agree. And this is true for everyone, whether they believe or not.
You were created here for a purpose and whether you’ve figured out that purpose or not, you are infinitely worthy to God and nothing anyone can ever do or say will changed that. That fact in and of itself is enough power to get through just about anything, so use it.
2) Would Your Life Be Any Different With The People That Are Trying To Influence You?
If I worked at a different place that micro manager would have zero influence on my life. If I was in a different country nobody that has any problems with me or I have any problems with now would be a problem.
I understand some of this stays together with the internet, but guess what, it’s so much easier just to un-friend, or change accounts or do something that where if there’s a tie that is causing you some extra stress in your life, you don’t need it. And if you’ve done what you can to work through it and it’s not working, then that’s it, it’s done. Not your family of course, but these other goofballs that are messing up your life don’t deserve your time.
3) They Don’t Pay Your Bills Or Sign Your Check
Unless that micro manager is your manager, what the heck do you care for? They don’t sign your paycheck, they don’t pay your bills at home. They don’t determine how your life gets run, so don’t give them the time of day.
Shake your head if they ask for legitimate information, give them what they need and then move on. Chances are they’re asking for stuff that doesn’t really matter and you can talk with your boss or other coworkers to get it taken care of. And until they start paying your bills, tell them the get out of your house!
Think More of Yourself
You can start taking your life back. Being more assertive and confident when you realize that what other people around you say about you doesn’t matter one lickety-split. You are worthy on an infinite level regardless of what anyone else says.
Your life would be completely different if they weren’t even in it, so they’re not an important piece. And you know what, they don’t contribute to your life in any meaningful way, so don’t let them control it. Start being more awesome and tell those dooftards to get out of your life.