Oh, you know those lazy Saturdays? Bright and early in the morning, but then before you know it turn into lazy Saturday afternoons? Aw, I hate it. We think it feels so good, and we think it’s going to give us all types of energy, don’t we? Surely there’s got to be a good reason why we sit around and don’t get anything done.

Get your life going with a BANG!
I say forget about the reason! It’s time to stop wasting life, and start making it count for more. You can really get your productivity started with a bang in 3 easy steps, and I’m going to give those to you. Stop wasting your Saturdays, that’s such a great day to get a ton of stuff done. Here goes:
1. Get Up Early, So You Have Time To Wind-Up
If you’re getting up at 9:00, you know you won’t be ready to do anything until 10:00. Here’s a little trick I learned, and it’s something to think about: you know those days when you’re scared out of bed, because there’s something you just have to check in the living room or kitchen? There’s something to that.
Now, I’m not recommending that you set up an alarm to scare you out of bed every day, but if you just take that mindset of “my productivity is just so important that I just have to jump out of bed and start immediately getting things done,” you will own this step of being more productive.
Wake up a little bit earlier instead of sleeping in. Get your coffee started early, get your morning exercise in, or your walk around the block. Do whatever it is that will get you out of the bed and awake just enough to know that you’d be wasting your time if you got back in there.
2. Think Positive Thoughts About How To Tackle The Day
Now, I know I can’t ask you to replace the very first thought you think of with something positive, that takes a lot of practice. But if you can pay attention to the second thing that comes to your mind, and turn it into a thanks-giving for being alive for another day, that’s a great start.
You need a majority of things that you think about, feel, and do, in the entire day to be positive, in order to maintain that positive attitude. If the first thing you do is keep throwing negatives left and right, all over your mind, your heart, and everyone around you in the morning, the rest of your day is starting off to a bad beginning. Fill yourself with positive, useful statements and thoughts. You’ll be amazed at what’s to come.
3. Pray To God To Help You, And Trust That He Will
I’m not sure of your religious affiliation, but I’m very deeply attached to my Dod. He is with me in everything that I do. I thank Him immediately after getting out of bed. I ask Him for help, and I ask for forgiveness for anything that I do that is wrong. I offer up all of my troubles, my happiness, and anything that happens to Him, because He knows how to handle it best.
It doesn’t mean I don’t do the things that I need to do, but it means I don’t attach my self-worth to the results that I get. I know that I am given sufficient Grace to get what I need to get done, and the rest is taken care of. I will do, and things will get done. I don’t have to worry. I have that promise. This is what works for me, and it’s what I’ve grown up with all my life. I truly deeply believe this and it is an absolutely beautiful realization and part of my life.
Bangarang Your Day Productively!
Productivity is one of those wishy-washy words that we wish didn’t mean so much. When you finally being to understand that every second of your life is important and worth so much, you will take advantage of being more efficient with all of them that you have left.
Hopefully you will do this sooner than later, and you can start out your lazy day productivity with a bang, and the three steps we just talked about. If you get up early so you have time to wind-up, you keep positive thoughts around, and you keep god in mind, I promise you that productivity will no longer be an issue.