I do an absolute ton of stuff in my off hours. This requires a fine balance of energy focus and familial duties. It was entirely difficult at first, and required me to go through hundreds of books literally, to figure out what worked best for me.

WHOOO’s productive? This guy!
But that was the important part, I had to keep trying things and learn from that path to get to what worked best for me, so I could be laser focused and productive in my available night owl hours. I want you to get the most out of your day, so you could be propelled to the next level with these four tips.
1. Get Up And Jog In Place
Anytime you feel yourself bobbing for apples and having a hard time staying up, it’s time to do something different. You know what I’m talking about; when your head is nodding down and your shoulders are bouncing, your head is bouncing between your shoulders that’s bobbing for apples. When you fell that coming on, it’s time to stand up and jog in place.
Just by standing up alone you increase your blood flow by on the order of 15 to 25% and your beats per minute by about the same number, do this and your body immediately responds with being more awake, sometimes you have to do this every 5 minutes just to be on task. A couple times in a row and you’ll be right back where you need to be to get more stuff done.
2. Get Plenty Of Rest When You’re Not Busy
If you ascribe to the pareto principle excuse me of the pomodoro productivity method you’ll understand this, but if you put a dedicated 25 minutes in to any task, in then just go do something else for 5 minutes, and do that in a cycle you will be more productive and on those really tough days you might have to use that 5 minutes for little bit of relaxation time or a sitting back and meditating time.
The point is to use this cyclical approach to getting stuff done, to break up monotony in the difficulty that comes with focusing on one thing for too long without a break.
3. Be Sure To Eat Well
If you’re pounding you’re face with a ton of caffeine, red bulls and candy, you’re going to have a tough time focusing. The same goes for malnourished or malnutrition in eating too much, heavy food like red meats.
Now I love my red meats, I love my caffeine, and I love my candy, but I know that I have to go with a nice balance of all of these things if I want to be productive and useful for my family and business.
4. Drink Plenty Of Water Or Juice
I’m not talking about the super sugary stuff that masquerades as juice. I’m talking about legitimate straight up awesomely filtered good water and juice. Maybe you even considered juicing it yourself.
But the point here is to stay hydrated, your brain uses so much water and energy, when you’re in the thick of getting stuff done in thinking you would be amazed. You need to keep it full, you need to stay hydrated, and you need to stay focus with good and useful ingredients, to come out on top at the end of the day.
HOOT HOOT! You’re Productive Now
It’s time for your night owl efforts to be more focused and productive in everything thing that you do, chances are you don’t have a lot free time to get the goals in life you want done.
These night owl hours are your times to shine. When you need to stay focused, you can get up and jog in place, make sure to have plenty of rest, eat well, and stay hydrated with the good stuff. Keep focus on these things and they will help you focus on what’s important to getting stuff done.