It is yet another lazy Saturday morning. The kids are up. They’re jumping around making noise and overall making a mess. You don’t care too much because you love them and it’s just stuff around the house. But you really don’t feel like doing anything.

Sometimes we need help out of the hole.
The weather’s nice, but the blankets are warmer. Bacon and eggs sounds great, but a bowl of cereal will do just fine. You want to go to the beach, but watching TV is so much easier and cleaner and you don’t get sand in every little crevice that you didn’t even know you had.
Stop feeling down. Get off your butt and start getting more stuff done. Have some fun while you’re at it too. Don’t be another bum out there just wasting your life away on the free time that you have. Be a winner and choose to make more of your life with these three motivation secrets we’re about to go through.
#1: Listen To Some Productivity Driving Music
I don’t mean driving like you’re driving a car. I mean music that’ll help you drive your productivity to the next level. I have several different genres of music that I listen to depending on the task that I’m doing.
And not necessarily always music. If I’m doing something that doesn’t require a whole lot of mental focus, then I will listen to a podcast or an audiobook that will help me learn something that I want to learn. If I am actually programming or doing any type of difficult mental task that requires me to focus on details but not play a mental conversation, then I will listen to something like dubstep.
Those driving 140 beats per crazy minute songs just keep me going at the late hours of the evening. It’s really kind of weird. And if I’m editing a book, or a blog post, or any type of written work I have to repeat what I read in my head. I have that internal conversation and I can’t have any songs that have a vocal track.
It’s at those times where I listen to something like “classical” music or “classical gas.” Have different music that will help drive your productivity for whatever task you’re doing to keep you on point and to get more enjoyment and possibly even more learning out of everything that you do.
#2: Go For A Light Walk And Break The Routine
There are plenty of methods of productivity out there that try to implement this idea of one big block of focus time, alternating with a much smaller block of free time. By breaking what can become the routine and monotony with a short burst of fun of physical activity, you can come back to your productive larger chunk with renewed interest and focus.
Whenever you’re deep down and dirty into the programming, or the writing, or the getting stuff done, keep this in mind. Spend approximately 25 minutes per 30 minutes on your productivity task, then for 5 minutes stand up, walk around, go take out the trash, or do some other light physical activity, like a walk, that will help break up your tasks. You can also look up the Pomodoro technique, as this is pretty much in line with that thinking.
#3: Think About Your Good Health
There are a lot of people out there that don’t get things done because they just don’t feel like they have the energy to go out and do. Chances are it’s just another excuse to not do things, but it might just be because they aren’t aware they’re making excuses.
If you can walk, if you can actively get up without too much effort, and you can really focus on getting stuff done with some success, you are in good enough health to be a productively, motivated, awesome superstar of output.
When you’re down in the dumps and feeling low on energy remind yourself that you have ability and the good health to focus all of you energies into creating great things. Bring your mental energy, your physical energy, and your spiritual energy into doing more and being more motivated.
Stop Being Down! Use These Secrets Today
You don’t have the time to feel down. Time is a very unforgiving resource. You’re only given one bucket of it, and there’s nothing you can do to fill it. There’s a constant hole that drips down into another cup that you use to get stuff done. Make sure you’re using a cup that is always full of motivation and productivity so you don’t waste any of it.
Listen to some productivity focused music, depending on the task you’re doing. Go for a light walk and break up large chunks of productive time. And think about your good health when it doesn’t seem like anything else is adding motivation to your chores and tasks.
You’ve got the power. You’ve got the drive. I know you can do it. Get out there and prove it to yourself.