There is so much I want to do in my life, but it just seems like there is never enough time. For instance, I have several websites that I constantly want to update, and provide new, valuable information to people that come to them on a daily basis. But there are only so many hours in the day that I have to take care of my family, other obligations, and prepare for the future.

“Cellular semantics as it relates to the third step of glycolysis… I’m 7… is this really better than He-Man? Come on.”
When I can fit these hopes and dreams that I have into the few hours that are available? And how can I ensure that those are the best ways to spend those hours? Maybe you’re thinking the same thing too. I want to help you increase your awareness, and empower you to do more in your life, to be more productive, as soon as tomorrow evening. It’s time to double your efforts, and double your outputs.
Number One: Watch One Hour Less Of TV
I bet you’ve never heard this one before, right? Yes, yes, I know, watching one hour less of TV is the answer to everything, right? My point here is to let you know that recovering some of that free time that you spend on TV could be taken to the next level, if you just use it more wisely.
When you get in the habit of seeing what that one hour goes towards, and what you can get accomplished, TV will become a non-issue. Most programs aren’t worth your life. But an output in the form of something useful for the world, will be there forever. One hour of TV is only lasting for one hour.
Number Two: Set A Timer For Your Social Websites
Another time-waster that seems to have popped up almost out of nowhere over the past couple of years is the almost psychological need to spend time on social websites.
This seems like a good idea, because you’re keeping up with family and friends that you haven’t seen in a long time. But do you really need to spend more than fifteen minutes a day on these websites? Do you really need to interact with every single update on the Facebook wall? Do you really need to commit that much of your interest, your attention, and your energy, to keeping everyone up-to-date every day?
Or is this something you can do once a week? Once every other day for fifteen minutes? Or some other frequency that is a whole lot less, so you can take that time back and apply it to something more productive? There’s a gold mine of time here that you can use more productively, you just have to mine for it.
Number Three: Have A Short List Of Fifteen Minute Things To Do
You know all that time you just freed up in the past two examples? Well guess what: here’s how you can use it beneficially.
Make a short list of things that take you no more than fifteen minutes to do, and keep this list with you always. Whether this is fold some clothes, empty a cabinet, clean out your trunk, organize your shoes, start a blog post, start a video, or clean the inside of your car.
Whatever it is, it doesn’t matter, except that it be useful and something that benefits your life. Having this list of always-available things to do, takes that idle time that you free up, and applies it to productive and beneficial things.
Double Up and Double On
It’s time to double your productivity, ASAP. By watching one hour less of TV, setting a timer for your social websites, and keeping a short list of fifteen minute to-do tasks at hand, you’re able to take control of the things that happen to you. You can increase your productivity, your happiness, and your success, by going this route of champion-level awesomeness.