Knowing what consumers really want makes the difference between a one-time buyer, and a recurring and loyal following. If your target audience are 10-year old kids, it may be more difficult to get feedback due to their access and age. Viral marketing. You use social media to engage and interest the audience, without having to use consumers as lab rats. Appeal to the fads that are popular, without being too obvious of your main goal. Get insight from the target demographic. Don’t come on too strong. Be somewhat subtle so consumers go out of their way to find your product.
I usually don’t have any success in selling if I don’t understand what the customer wants first. I had the most eloquent and inspiring presentation I had ever planned and it failed miserably because it was based on what I thought they needed to hear. In a different meeting though, I simply asked questions until I understood that customer’s needs and then I was able to convert them within minutes. No presentation needed.
In order for companies to properly serve the consumers they need to know what they want and expect from their products, otherwise they will not purchase their goods and they will go out of business. If a company is not keeping up with what their market base wants then they risk having to shut down stores or laying off employees which has a negative effect on our economy. Companies also need to understand what the consumers want in our to get an edge on their competition.
The above story and insights are from a go-getter interested in improving their career and business ventures. This is part of the RichardStep Steppers plan to get more out of life! Now, let’s jump into some potential customer interviews and survey responses to see what people really think about this topic.
Knowing What Customers Want
In a few words, can you describe what is the biggest reason you think this topic is important?
I think this is very important to modern day marketing. Consumer tastes change very quickly in the internet age and knowing your demographics include things like knowing political preferences, amounts of disposable income, and how they view the economic forecast.Knowing what consumers want has numerous benefits. More sales, better ability to adjust to new trends and higher potential profit margins.
This is very interesting stuff here and I think it could help people. What do you feel is the most life-altering thing about the topic?
Knowledge of your customer’s wants gives you the insight necessary to meet that customer’s needs – which in turn can make his life better. For example, diabetes can affect the eyesight of those who have the condition. If you’re the manufacturer of diabetic testing supplies, it may helpful to know that many of your diabetic customers, like my mom, prefer a device with a larger screen. Diabetics have to check their insulin on a regular basis. A big screen makes it easier for them to see the results and monitor their blood sugar levels throughout the day without eye strain.
Could this topic help regular people like me and you be better at what we do?
It can teach you to be empathetic or sympathetic if you focus on what customers want. This especially applies if you view “customers” as anyone who interacts with you, and not just people you sell things to. However, it is important that you not be a social chameleon and just tell people what they want to hear, either. Ideally, you know what people want, and can still be your authentic self when interacting with them, while keeping their wants in mind.
Start planning for tomorrow by letting us know how this topic could be more present in your daily life.
I think a person that is new to this topic should first start by talking to or surveying customers directly about what they want. I think they should also talk to people that have worked for these customers about what the customers respond positively to. Finally, if there is any research about the customers that exists, it should be studied in order to find what customers want.
If someone wanted to learn more about this, what could they do?
One good way to know what customers want is to have them fill out a survey after their purchase. Many companies have the survey information on the bottom of the receipt and offer a reward of some type for customers who take the time to complete it. Another way to know about real customer experiences and desires is to hire mystery shoppers. They will evaluate your employees and store honestly and without getting atypical service from the employees.
Who’s the flat-out worst at this subject?
I think that the executives of large companies need to be more in line with the customer. Many executives have never worked at the retail or sales levels. Really, many big businesses could use a wake-up. That’s not to say salespersons don’t need to know what the customer is after. Fortune 100 retailers such as Target and Wal-Mart have to get better at knowing the wants of the consumer which is customer service.
Got any tips for folks out there?
To find out what customers want is very simple. All you have to do is listen – nine times out of ten they don’t beat around the bush about it. If you see a customer wandering up and down the same aisle over and over, they probably need help finding something.
How would you describe the most dangerous thing about this subject?
A person interested in learning more about what customers want should not ignore his or her individual creativity. Great products such as the iPhone or the tablet we’re created by not focusing on what customers want right now, but what they would want in the future. Innovation and creativity are two very important aspects of the customer business relationship that should never be overlooked.
What would you do to use this to get more out of life?
Customers are always looking for help in some way or another. They go into any establishment looking for someone who has knowledge, expertise or experience in that field whether it is food, retail or services. The reasons that customers ask questions or look to someone to solve problems is because it is something they can not do themselves. I have dealt with many customers in many environments with a broad spectrum of problems and always put myself in their shoes. I want someone who can assist me or find the information needed to assist me. They are looking for someone who will go above and beyond the “How can I help you?” “Have a nice day?” mechanical response that is given by most employees who deal with the public.
Got any advice for us on this topic? The readers are hungry!
1.) Read the book “What Customer Want” – I can’t remember the author, but it has a lot of good examples and insightful information.2.) To find out what customers want, you need to know how to ask the right questions. You can’t ask a customer what they want, because if they could tell you exactly what they want chances are they already have it or they would have created it themselves. You need to focus on the problems that your customer is dealing with and trying to solve in order to find what they want. example – Google how the mini van was created. Moms did not say, I want a mini-van. They said, I need an affordable vehicle to transport kids and stuff around. The doors are hard to maneuver when putting car seats in, etc., which is where the sliding door concept came from. Not from someone asking for a sliding door, but rather from trying to find a way to make it easier to access the stuff in the backseat without hitting another car, etc.3.) Do field research – find out what the key problems that people in your target industry are facing and then do research into products that are in that area and what the major flaws are that prevent them from fully solving the customers problems.
Thanks for reading, please share your comments below, and share this article with someone looking to get more out of their career understanding or business development efforts. Also, this article is part of the target market research work we do here at RichardStep. If you’re interested in learning more about the niche most important to your business, please click the link below.