Think of it like you’re trying to understand why your best friend likes their favorite hat. Is it their favorite color? If their favorite color was your favorite color, would you like that hat too? Does your best friend have a special memory about the hat? Does it fit the best? If you were to take a guess, would your best friend agree with why you think they like that hat? To understand someone else’s point of view, you have to try to think about why they think or feel the way they do.
Everyone is different so no two people are going to think exactly the same. For example, when I disagree with something my boss says to me, I try to put myself in their shoes and think why they feel that way. In my personal life I try to do this with my husband. I find that it helps to try to see things from his perspective because it helps me to be more understanding; and it improves our relationship by lowering the number of disagreements we have.
Being able to see others’ point of view is a vital part of being a human. If you choose to look at things only from your own perspective, you will never be able to truly understand someone else’s opinions. Too few people choose to understand where others are coming from and so our world is filled with unkind, narrow-minded people who are happy to remain ignorant of any other perspective than their own.
The above story and insights are from a go-getter interested in improving their career and business ventures. This is part of the RichardStep Steppers plan to get more out of life! Now, let’s jump into some potential customer interviews and survey responses to see what people really think about this topic.
Seeing Others’ Point Of View
What would someone really get out of this?
One benefit is that it forces you to see how other people perceive things, which informs your own thoughts on a subject. A second benefit would be that it helps bolster your point of view because you would be able to see where it is strong and where it is weak. A third benefit is that you may be exposed to modes of thought you were not aware of and it may color your thoughts in a way that make them more nuanced.
How could this subject help you or someone you know change your life for the better?
Being empathetic and learning to try and see life through another’s point of view has been one of the most enriching skills I’ve ever attempted to learn (I’m by no means perfect at it yet). When we only see the world through our point of view, we are viewing things SOLELY through our experiences, prejudices, etc. It is important to understand that no one else views the world the way you do, because NO ONE else has lived your life except you – so each of us views the world in different ways. Even if the differences are only slight, they are enough to cause differences in the way we handle situations. Personal relationships improve greatly when one can view life through another’s eyes.
Explain what about this subject could help people be just all around better.
If being a “better person” is at least partially defined as someone that others can have an amicable disagreement with, then the ability to see another’s point of view is essential. The way that we experience life is complex, ambiguous, and open to many interpretations. Our interpretations of events not only depend on our personalities, past experiences, opinions, etc. but also on our mood that day, what we’ve eaten, the weather, etc. Thus, when faced with a disagreement, it’s important to realize that what we may think, see, hear is likely not the whole picture. In fact, we may actually think, see hear, something different on a different day or at a different time. Imagine, then, how a completely different person sees the situation. Being able to stop, realize that there are other ways of seeing a situation, and try to see the situation from another’s point of view is essential for ensuring amicable disagreements.
How do you bring this topic into your life?
If a person is just starting to learn how to see another person’s point of view, they clearly have not been a good listener. They need to start by not only listening to the ideas and opinions of others, but they should analyze and further reflect on these ideas and opinions. Instead of waiting for others to say what they think, ask. Do a lot of reading on social media and of newspaper opinion columns.
Describe a few ways someone could learn more on this topic.
Seeing others’ points of view is necessary not only in business, but in life. Any time that you are making a deal, coming to a compromise, or even just interacting on a daily basis it can help to picture yourself in the other person’s shoes. Do not only take into consideration the person’s thoughts and actions, but also their emotions and feelings. If you know a client is into bass fishing, then making a fishing related metaphor during a presentation can help to illustrate a point, help you relate to the client, gain their trust, and ultimately help land the deal. Knowing the most you can about a client helps you to see their point of view, and gives you advantages you may not otherwise have had.
Break it down for me real quick – who just plain sucks at this topic?
It is an unfortunate truth that a very good number of companies that provide services would be well suited to get a better handle on seeing the points of views of others. For example, the issues that Time Warner or Comcast has in providing lackluster service, and then very poor customer support that is not sympathetic to the critique of the consumer. Corporations also show a lack of interest in the points of views of others in the way that they fund and encourage legislation that often times viewed unfavorably by all other parties interested. I think that the reason behind this trend is that companies, much like people, can feel a sense of entitlement that discourages them from caring about the points of view of others.
Can you share a few pieces of advice on how to better use this in our lives?
Learning to look at life through another person’s point of view can not only help your relationship with that person, but it can also help your world view grow beyond your own perspective. I find it is incredibly important to put yourself in someone else’s shoes when dealing with any kind of conflict or difficult encounter. Why is this person acting this way? Well, perhaps they had a bad day up until this point. Perhaps there are personal issues going on at home (a breakup, a sick relative, a fight with a loved one, financial troubles, etc). It is also very important to remember that most people do not think like you. They do not process information the same way as you, therefore their reaction to a situation will vary greatly. Remember this, use what you already know about the person, and try to deduce why they think, feel, or act in a certain way you cannot understand. This method can hold value in practically every aspect of your life, personal, professional, and otherwise.
Share with us your thoughts on what’s most damaging when it comes to this subject.
When trying to see things from another’s point of view, first of all, don’t say you’re being empathetic when you’re really not. Don’t say you’re seeing things from someone’s perspective without even trying. That just hurts the other party and makes you look bad. Don’t go in with your own biases. It might be subjective, but you’re not going to get anywhere by forcing your own pre-conceptions on someone else. That’s not living in their shoes.
How could your experience with this topic help you be more successful?
In order to see from other’s point of view, you must disassociate yourself from your current circumstance, while drawing on your own experience for parallels. Imagine their daily life to see how they reached their conclusion. Remember that you are not the center of the universe.
Give me an example of something we can do to discover more about this subject.
Ever heard of the saying “walking a mile in my shoes?” It can be difficult to see another’s point of view without being in their situation. However, you can still try to understand why they feel the way they do. Try to picture yourself as them and how they react to certain situations. You can’t force people to see it. If you want the masses to know about it, you could probably do a TV show whose plot revolves around that. I know it’s a long shot, but I don’t think people would understand any other way.
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