People want some things more than they want other things. It can change depending on the time of day and how happy or sad they are feeling. For example, in the summer, people are more likely to want colorful objects to match the happiness they feel in the sun. In the winter, people may want darker items to match the cloudy weather.
Customers want a product that is on time and that meets their quality standards. A customer also expects to be treated with respect. When a customer asks for assistance, they want their concerns to be heard and for you to focus on a precise solution.
It’s extremely important for a business to know what customer’s want. Otherwise, how will they know how to keep their customer’s interested in what they’re providing, selling, etc? It depends on the type of business but the best way to find out what customer’s want is not to go through a professional marketing service but to ask the customer’s directly. With social networking it’s extremely easy to talk to the real customer’s in a personal manner.
The above story and insights are from a go-getter interested in improving their career and business ventures. This is part of the RichardStep Steppers plan to get more out of life! Now, let’s jump into some potential customer interviews and survey responses to see what people really think about this topic.
Knowing What Customers Want
What are some of the biggest reasons you would ever look into this subject?
Knowing what customers want is very big for a successful business. For one, you are better able to provide exactly what the customer wants. Knowing the customer also helps you market your products in a way that will maximize revenue. Another good reason for understanding your customer is to not give them what they don’t want, and in turn not waste money.
Can you give me an example of how this topic could change someone’s life?
Knowing what customers want improves the lives of both the business supplying the customer, and the lives of the customers themselves. The customers are able to find what they are looking for (even if they didn’t know what they were looking for), which brings satisfaction and happiness in their life. Businesses are able to make revenue, AND improve the quality of life for their customers. It’s a win-win situation.
Describe what’s so special about this topic in how it helps folks live life better.
It takes empathy and knowing your customer base to help understand what they need. Delving into the intuitiveness that one has to have to be able to understand what a customer wants will build on a person’s ability to empathize and sympathize. Not only that, but raising your awareness about other people, about their wants and needs, can make you seem like a warmer, friendlier, and more helpful person.
Can you tell us what it’s like to have this subject in your life?
In general, customers want to be treated respectfully and fairly so that they feel like an establishment deserves their business. To know what customers want more specifically though, the best way is to simply ask them. Customer surveys either before or after shopping at an establishment can offer great insight into what customers would like to see, what they expect, and what they don’t want.
Describe a few ways someone could learn more on this topic.
You could create surveys that have people address what kind of items most people are into. Also, it goes without saying that customers want to have a positive experience when they go places to shop, so researching what makes shopping a positive experience on the internet and other available databases would help as well.
Describe who least exemplifies the core meaning of this topic to you.
To know what a customer wants, you must first research it. Video game companies must find out a game that would be bought by most people, since they are in a smaller market anyway. Squarenix could use some help, for it’s recent releases haven’t been as popular as they used to be.
What are your best pieces of advice for this topic?
When you know what customers want you can work around that by pricing things in your store higher based on demand. You can present one thing more forcefully if its something you know they want. Being in touch with your customers is important.
What is the absolutely most dangerous and bad thing someone should stay away from related to this topic?
Try to avoid asking people who don’t have a genuine interest in the product your trying to sell. Asking a large base of people can have its benefits and problems but you are not always going to get useful answers. You must put yourself in the position of the customer and sell something you would want to buy.
How could you use this to succeed?
I believe its incredibly important for a company to know what a customer wants. Its also very important that the sales person and/or representative be familiar with their own products and services in order to address the needs of their customers. Knowing how to talk to people is also key. Many customers don’t always know what they are looking for. A successful sales person and/or rep should be able to help them make the right decision.
If you could only give one piece of advice for this folks out there, what would it be?
Sometimes a customer does not know what they want, but they probably have a good idea of what they do not want. It is important to find out the use the customer wishes to put the product to. It is also important to match the right product to the customer, or they will not buy from you again.
Thanks for reading, please share your comments below, and share this article with someone looking to get more out of their career understanding or business development efforts. Also, this article is part of the target market research work we do here at RichardStep. If you’re interested in learning more about the niche most important to your business, please click the link below.