Work is made for mankind, not the other way around. Jobs were created as a way to get folks out of the house and working for businesses. Yet, we often tie so much our of self worth and motivation to what happens at or because of work related events.
Step back a bit and take a new look at the work that you do. It is really as important as it seems? Know that the work you do is important but maybe not for the same reasons you think it is.
Your work is important because it helps directly support you, your community, and (to some extent) the rest of the world. Find the purpose behind your work, own up to it, and then take a renewed interest in getting more stuff done at work.
Below are some of the better, more enlightening, or more entertaining answers that came out of this question and answer session. Users requested remaining anonymous and I’ll honor that request. The answers are raw, genuine, and I did my best to leave them as they were supplied, though I try to clean up any bad or hateful language.
Let’s dive right on in and see what normal, everyday folks think about this important topic in life.
What is the most important life lesson you’ve ever learned about work?
- As a teacher, I first learned to have a job that I love. I love working with children and it doesn’t always feel like a “job” to come to school each day. I learned to do my very best and give my all to the students, but that I can’t control their lives like I wish I could.No matter how hard I try to teach them and care for them, their home lives and their learning needs are sometimes too much to overcome. I simply can’t undo a child’s first 8 years of life before they come to me. Their success or lack of success is not a direct reflection on me. So, I’ve learned to not let it bother me and try to love them every day and let them be kids, too!
- Do not share your personal life with your coworkers. Do not flirt with your coworkers. Be always on time.
- Don’t sweat the small things. Whatever has you riled up at work today likely won’t matter a day, a week, or a month from now. Getting upset or angry likely won’t change anything, so there’s no sense in obsessing over things you can’t change.
- Hard work may or may not pay off, but it is better to work hard and be paid less than not work at all. You learn a lot about yourself from working. Work allows you to improve who you are and meet new friends.
- Having a good work ethic will get you far in life. Many people are lazy and do not want to put their nose to the grindstone and get their work done, and if you are willing to do so, you will be highly esteemed by your peers. No matter what kind of work you do, do it diligently.Good work will be praised whereas bad work will be tossed aside. Being a good worker can sometimes get you a pay raise or bonuses, which is a wonderful reward to go along with the satisfaction of a job well done.
- Honesty, to be honest and forthcoming with your superiors. To work hard and prove that you can do the work. Take pride in yourself and your work with excel.
- I have learned that work can be a blessing or an anchor that weigh’s you down. It is important to find work that can challenge you as well as be rewarding. Work is something that helps you feel fulfilled, especially if you are helping others.
- I think a good lesson about work is to pace yourself. You want to do a little work at a time so you don’t burn yourself out. Take breaks and calm down and you’ll get a lot done.
- It’s all about networking. Applying to a wide variety of jobs online can only get you so far. The best jobs are ones you get through personal contacts or friends. No one wants to hire a stranger on paper, but they will want to hire someone they know and trust.
- I’ve learned that it’s stupid to chase after the small projects and think that exerting effort is what gets you ahead. You have to choose the right job and the right tasks in order to progress. Staying late in the office might get some attention, but creating value by focusing on the higher-level jobs is far more important.
- I’ve learned to be honest and be true to yourself. If you are fair then your work will reflect that. Do not lie or cheat or you will be caught.
- Know as many things as possible. The more functions you can perform, the harder you are to replace. That makes you a better candidate for promotion and also makes you tougher to fire.
- That is to know your job better than any other person there. And to learn all about the process of the other jobs that your job effects. by knowing that and keeping a friendly attitude towards your colleagues.You can easily help them understand why things are done in a particular way. That way they know that if the boss isn’t around there is still someone who can answer the question and keep things running smoothly.
- The most important lesson about work is knowing that hard work will pay off. You may have to do things that you don’t love or don’t want to do, but you will eventually be rewarded. Working hard and keeping to yourself are the top qualities in successful employees.
- The most important lesson about work is that if you work hard, it will pay in the long run. Hard work can be the most rewarding. It leads to a sense of accomplishment and others will even have more respect for you.
- The most important lesson about work was how to get along with people. In an office setting or any other job setting you have to be able to be cordial at least to the other people on the job. If you don’t, you set yourself up to be left out of information that may help you in the long run. This could be valuable information pertaining to your job or information about how people really act and what their motives are.
- The most important lesson I have learned about work is to respect authority. Authority has been put in place for a reason and it pays to respect them. It is my job to submit to whatever they want me to do because I am using their time and money.
- The most important life lesson I have learned about work is that is you don’t work then you don’t eat. That statement is taken from the good book. Therefore, if unemployment is rampant as it is, then a concerted effort should be made to get employment and to work at doing something.The lack of work breeds idleness which can be akin to not staying out of trouble. Therefore, I have learned that to work is a good thing and to not be too selective about what job one ends up with if they want to keep food on the table.
- Too many people work simply for the money. In order to be truly happy while working, there needs to be a greater motivator. The best type of work provides mental stimulation and a sense of self-fulfillment. Enjoy your work because it takes up too much of your life if it is not beneficial on multiple levels.
- Work changes. It is like the ocean constantly moving and changing. So you have to go with the flow. Growing up, people used to work one or two jobs for life. No one does that now. So older people feel guilty when jobs end. But instead we should embrace it as a fresh start and new life and find the good in it we like.And if we don’t like it, we should just move on. I stayed in jobs I hated for the money and the guilt of thinking you should try to keep a job. Now I wish I would have just moved on instead of being miserable. Change is scary, but good for you.
- Work is fundamental in progressing in life. Your work is never in vain. If you don’t work you don’t deserve a future.
- Work, when it comes to a career, it not the most important thing in the world. (Family is.) There really isn’t such a thing as a dream job; people can be satisfied working in a variety of jobs. That doesn’t mean you should not follow your interests, but it is more the realization that we, as humans, have naturally wide interests.Now, Work, as a general concept is one of the most important things in the world. It is the opposite of stagnation, and stagnation is the root of many negative things in our lives. Working hard, at whatever you are working on, is always important. It has concrete benefits, (like job promotions, project completions, etc.) but also is a benefit in of itself. It boosts self-esteem, and is healthy for the mind and body.
- Working to the best of my ability is far more rewarding than just doing enough to get by. You achieve more by always trying harder. Also always challenging myself to learn more on the job even if it’s not my duty to makes me a more valuable asset as an employee.
- You cannot take anything personal on the job. Don’t bring your work issues home. Go above and beyond even when not be asked to. Do your best to be a quick learner. Always ask questions. Learn how to multi-task.
- You cannot let your work stress you out to the max. I let my last job stress me out to the point where I became very ill. It is not worth it! Yes, money is a necessity, but there is no need to become overly stressed out because of your job.I ended up quitting my job, as I was extremely unhappy every single day for months. I tried to make it work, but it just didn’t. I have the means and time to take a breather, and find a job that I can tolerate! Money is not everything!!!
I hope enjoyed this series of questions and answers on life lessons. Whether you found something directly applicable or you just found reading through the lives of others enlightening, I trust you got something valuable out of this article.
Please share your thoughts or your own lessons, ah-ha’s, or generally awesome wisdom below. We want to know what’s on your mind!