There is only one thing in life that never stops no matter what happens: time. From the moment we are born until the moment we die, time just keeps on chugging along at the same pace for everyone. Sure, our perceptions of how time flies differ, but the reality of it all is very fleeting.
You have a very limited amount of time to be on this planet in a waking state, you have a limited amount of time to get stuff done, and you probably haven’t given much thought to just how much time you are using or wasting. How you focus your efforts can be the difference between a life well lived and a life just trudged through.
There’s so much more in store for you when you look for ways to make the most out of your days – do whatever it takes to squeeze every last drop out of the most previous resources of them all: time.
Below are some of the better, more enlightening, or more entertaining answers that came out of this question and answer session. Users requested remaining anonymous and I’ll honor that request. The answers are raw, genuine, and I did my best to leave them as they were supplied, though I try to clean up any bad or hateful language.
Let’s dive right on in and see what normal, everyday folks think about this important topic in life.
What is the most important life lesson you’ve ever learned about time?
- A lot of people fret about time, time lost, time left, and time ignored. Many people wish they could go back in time and do things differently. But time is what makes us the people we are today, whether our experiences were enjoyable or we’d like to sweep them under a rug. Time moves on whether we do or not. Learning from time past is the best way to ensure we’re satisfied with the future.
- Communication is the best thing to found a romantic relationship on. With communication comes trust and openness. With that openness, the other person seems more than willing to be open and trusting with you.
- Do not dwell on the past. You can’t get it back. You can’t change it. Worrying and obsessing over the past is not healthy.
- Don’t be late. When you are not punctual, it’s a bad reflection on you. People assume that you are lazy. I am working on setting goals. This helps when you write things down. When you put things off, procrastinate, that is a real source of stress for me. I have found that when you do first things first, you will have more time for other things.
- I have learned that hard work does really pay off. My father had always taught us that being the best that you can at any job(no matter how much you hate it), is better than showing you don’t care.In my 56 years, there have been a few jobs that I did not care for, but because I choose to try my hardest to be good at them, proved to be jobs that I ended up loving!! Also, by working hard, you show that you are responsible and trusting.
- I think I have learned that time passes really fast when you procrastinate. With that in mind, set a schedule so time doesn’t pass you. When you have set times to do everything, it makes things a lot easier to do.
- It is easy to lose track of time while busy or having fun. However, it is very important to always plan your time carefully so you are never late. Being late is embarrassing and rude, but it is totally avoidable if you practice good time management skills.Always check the clock frequently, no matter where you are. Invest in a fashionable watch so that you always have access to the time. It is important to keep to a schedule so that you have the time to be punctual for all of your important appointments throughout the day.
- It is true when they say that Time is fleeting. I have learned that it’s important to cherish every day as much as possible because you never know what tomorrow might bring. Children grow up fast, and before you know it they are all grown up. They only get to be five once, they only take their first step once, they only have one first birthday.
- It will pass. In good times and bad times, the clock keeps running. You will get through everything. So find something good about every day and enjoy something because the time will be gone before you know it.
- I’ve learned that we only have today to live for and that time is limited. Nobody is guaranteed another day so we may as well make the most of what is right in front of us.I wake up so many days and look over at my wife, grateful to have just one more day to spend with her. I’ve also learned that God’s time is far different than ours. Sometimes what seems like an eternity is really just the blink of an eye in the grand scheme of things.
- I’ve learned that you are lucky to have any time, let alone more time, on this planet. So many people die daily. Don’t take it for granted. Loved ones come and go. We’re just a mere speck on the timeline of humanity.
- That time can drag. Whenever i get nervous and impatient. Time feels like it just drags on and on. Seconds feel like minutes. There are times when that is good.
- The most important life lesson I have learned about time is that it is irrelevant. Time is only important when clocking in on a job as to not hear negative comments from a supervisor. But the big scheme of time not only deals with using one’s time wisely but that time is irrelevant. That means it is never too late to reach a goal or to obtain an accomplishment as long as one has the drive regardless of the age.
- The most important life lesson that I have learned about time is that it doesn’t stop for anyone. When my father died, I wanted the world to stop and mourn with me but it would not. No matter what your circumstances, time goes on.
- There is never enough time to be with your loved ones. Time goes by way too fast. Time moves very slowly when you’re waiting.
- Time is incredibly valuable. It is way too easy to waste it away doing meaningless tasks that return little reward. Don’t take time for granted. Put every second towards a purpose and the results can be extremely rewarding.
- Time is just a number, and one should not get caught up on it. Don’t worry about how much time you spend doing something, instead worry about the quality of the time you had.Sometimes five minutes is better than nothing, so you shouldn’t get concerned about the small amount of time, and take everything for what it is, instead of how long it lasted. Just enjoy things, no matter how long they last.
- Time is money. It’s cliche, but it’s true. You have to learn how to value your time and manage it wisely. Everyone that’s ever made a buck knows this in a very literal sense, but it’s true for all of the ways that you spend your time.
- Time is something that will always pass. It is so hard to wait for things that you want badly, but that is what needs to be done. Time will pass, good things will come, and wounds will heal.
- Time is very valuable because that is something you will never get back. Some people take advantage of your time because they do not value it the same. Usually time effectively is an essential part of life.
- Time keeps going! It took me 23 years to actually understand that. When you are younger, you think that the things that you are doing are unique. But the truth is, there will always be people in the next generation doing pretty much the same things that you did, it is a cycle that continues to repeat itself in your lifetime and will continue long afterwards.
- Time moves faster than you think. The day to day may go by slow, if you’re waiting for Friday after a long week of work, or waiting for an exciting event. However, your life goes by very fast and it’s important to cherish every moment. I have noticed in my life that as I get old, time goes by faster.
- Time moves forward no matter what, even if you fight it kicking and the best thing to do is to let it take you. Try to make the best of everything as much as possible.
- To not dwell on the past but to learn from mistakes that were made. Dwelling on the past only leads to more regret and anguish. In most situations, what is done has already been done and cannot be taken back. If there is the chance to make amends do so, but it makes no sense to beat yourself up over something you cannot change.
- When you’re young you always hear adults say Time waits for no man, and it sounds like one of those dumb things that adults say it not till you get older and start to wonder where did your life go that you start to realize what they met time is one of those things you can’t stop its going to keep on ticking no matter what you do all you can do is live in the moment.
I hope enjoyed this series of questions and answers on life lessons. Whether you found something directly applicable or you just found reading through the lives of others enlightening, I trust you got something valuable out of this article.
Please share your thoughts or your own lessons, ah-ha’s, or generally awesome wisdom below. We want to know what’s on your mind!