Spirituality can mean so much to some people and really very little to others. To those who hold spirituality as important in their lives, then it is usually one of the most important things to them. They usually form their every thoughts, actions, and desires around how it better serves and contributes to their overall spirituality.
This is a subject that is hard to discuss without making at least one person feel left-out, upset, or not very comfortable. I won’t share my personal opinions here other than to say that a greater understanding of spirituality only comes when enough attention, care, and desire is given to it.
We are spiritual beings and there is no amount of “other truth” that can fully address our core desire to be on a “higher level” of contributing back to all of creation. The more you know, the more you practice, and the more you life, the more this becomes the reality.
There is some kernel of truth in just about any piece of advice, it’s just a matter of being open enough to find it, plant it, nurture it, and see what happens.
Below are some of the better, more enlightening, or more entertaining answers that came out of this question and answer session. Users requested remaining anonymous and I’ll honor that request. The answers are raw, genuine, and I did my best to leave them as they were supplied, though I try to clean up any bad or hateful language.
Let’s dive right on in and see what normal, everyday folks think about this important topic in life.
What is the most important life lesson you’ve ever learned about spirituality?
- A lot of people might say spirituality is a joke, and craziness, but I’ve learned that you really need to be in touch with your spirit, as well as others. For me just this realization made all the difference, it put me in perspective of what I wanted and needed in life, and how to balance myself to get there.I learned to take time for myself and focus on my spirit and how I feel inside. With this focus I have been able to be calmer, understand myself more, and go through life with an all-around better perspective.
- For me spirituality represents my faith and belief in God. Therefore, the most important life lesson that I’ve learned about spirituality is to “Have Faith.” I’ve always been a God-fearing person but like many I’ve doubted things – like whether I’m going to have this or that but because I’ve committed myself to God and my spirituality, I know things are going to work out even when they may not seem like it.This stems from me having tremendous faith in God. See I have faith that God will take care of everything. I don’t worry about things. Whatever is going on in my life is the way God wants it to be. It’s my purpose.
- Give God the chance to be Lord of your life. He is the one who made you and died for you. If you ask Him into your heart, your life will never be the same. He is our God and our Creator. There is no one like Him. Who else in your life would die for you. He gave us the greatest gift of salvation and forgiveness of sins.Nobody can do that, only God. John 3:16 For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son, that whosoever believes in him shall not parish but have everlasting live. No religion can give you that, only a relationship with Christ our Lord and Savior. He is my Rock, He is in control of my life and “as for me and my house we will serve the Lord.” In Jesus name Amen.
- I have learned that all human beings are spiritual and need to communicate and build a relationship with their Creator. That true spirituality is not trying to earn God’s love and acceptance. True spiritually revolves around filling that God-shaped vacuum with God, not materialism or relations (as good as they are to have).
- I have learned that there always isn’t a reason for things happening. Sometimes you have to have faith. Not everything needs an explanation.
- I learned that God is real and always there to ‘have your back’. Before I got married, I went to church and was a good girl. I found out that it was not so much about my efforts in being good but, that because of Adam’s disobedience in the Garden of Eden, we are all sinful. It wasn’t about how good I was.Now I know that it’s all about Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross for me. He took all the bad stuff for me and all I need to do is obey him and even if I make a slip-up or sin, I know that I’m okay just because of what Jesus did for me. I’m not going to lie; you have to work at receiving this thing called ‘grace’. I have heard some say, ‘It’s almost too good to be true’. This is where the work comes in though, just believe.
- I’m not sure if there is a God or not. But I do know that my faith is important to me. Faith helps me to stay grounded and humble. I think that it is important for everyone to have something that they believe in outside of themselves.
- It’s important for me to have god and faith in my life to help me cope with the stresses that I have had to overcome. When things were stressful, when things looked bad, I have found great comfort turning to god for support. Praying has helped me through the loss of my parents, the premature birth of my twins, and the financial burdens that we are trying to overcome. Without god I don’t know how I would have been able to cope with these life experiences.
- I’ve learned that my relationship with Jesus wasn’t meant to be built in one day. During the last year I’ve gotten out of bed, read 2-3 chapters of scripture, and said my prayers. I’ve found that God is true to His word and that when you put Him FIRST in your day, He really does start to work on you. I’ve found that so many of the frustrations of day-to-day life are tiny when they’re given to God to handle.
- I’ve learned that some of the most spiritual people I’ve met don’t spend a lot of time speaking about their beliefs, but just go about practicing their beliefs without talking about them or trying to persuade other people to follow them. I work with a number of Jews that are very spiritual even though they only go to formal services once or twice a year.
- I’ve learned to think beyond dogma and mindless repetition and to instead explore my spirituality for myself. I think it’s important for everyone to be in touch with their spirituality. It’s a human necessity just as much as socialization is. Even atheists need some equivalent to meet their spiritual needs, like meditation.
- Spirituality can come in many different forms. Many people believe that going to church makes them spiritual and I believe that’s what I have learned most from it. People believe that going to church makes them spiritual and that God will forgive their sins. I have learned everyone have a certain form of spirituality.
- Spirituality gives you the freedom to embrace a concept of god and heaven without being burdened by religious beliefs. So many people disagree with things their church preaches, or restrictions they have. Spirituality gives you the best part- contact with god, without the things that put you off. One of the things you learn as you grow older is you really need to be able to talk to god for comfort, because trouble comes to everyone sooner or later and being able to talk to god about it really helps you feel better.
- Spirituality has a different meaning for each and every person. Even people that practice the same faith have a different way of going about it. In life, judging or discrediting someone for how, who or what they worship will only hinder you. Consider each person’s point of view and try to be open minded despite what you believe to be true. You might just learn something new.
- Spirituality is a personal aspect of life. You can only follow your own spiritual path, letting others help to guide you along your way. Once you find your path, keep your heart and mind open to changes since spirituality is in a constant state of change.
- That spirituality means something different to everyone, that it isn’t just about having a definite higher power guide you through life. I believe that when left truly alone to his own devices, man is able to come to his own conclusions about spirituality and the metaphysical world. But everyone seeks a different path towards spiritual enlightenment, and no one path is better than any other.
- The most important lesson that I have learned is that there are angles everywhere and every person always has a guardian angel. Several years ago, I left my keys in the door lock on the outside. After being in for about 2 hours, my 2 year old grandson just walked up to me and said “Granny told me to tell you that you left your keys in the door”. This gave me chills since my grandmother had passed away 6 months prior to the incident.
- The most important life lesson that I’ve learned about spirituality is that God is always there for you no matter what. He is there even if you haven’t been. As long as you keep coming back to the Lord, He will be there to show you the light. Once you return to him in prayer and any other ways you communicate with the Lord, you will start seeing his blessings and know He is watching over you.
- The most important thing I’ve learned about spirituality is that we definitely have a higher being. There are just some things in life that cannot be explained. I have learned that faith is very powerful and also that no matter what you believe in, you must believe in something.
- To believe that there is a God out there watching over us. We all need that belief to help us to stay grounded. It helps us to build a foundation for the rest of our lives. For whatever god you believe in. continue to do so. It helps us make us.
- Whenever I listen to a song that filled with deep meaning, I become intensely immersed in it. I become one with the music and feel as if I have transported to another dimension. Just the joy of the melodic words ringing in my ears fills me up with happiness. Spirituality exists and I can feel it in almost anything.
- Your spirituality manifests your real life the level of your spirituality marks the level of elevation in wisdom without spirituality man is lost.
I hope enjoyed this series of questions and answers on life lessons. Whether you found something directly applicable or you just found reading through the lives of others enlightening, I trust you got something valuable out of this article.
Please share your thoughts or your own lessons, ah-ha’s, or generally awesome wisdom below. We want to know what’s on your mind!