Wellness, health, and overall energy levels are topics that everyone is aware of, but probably very few pay any real attention to. Sure, we try to eat right, exercise a little, and get some relaxation time in. But do we all really understand how important our overall health is to getting the most out of life?
Sometimes we have to turn more focus on making your machine work better to get more out of it. Sleep, food, and sweat. These are just some of the things we can use to get the most out of our lives and the lives of those we love the most.
Below are some of the better, more enlightening, or more entertaining answers that came out of this question and answer session. Users requested remaining anonymous and I’ll honor that request. The answers are raw, genuine, and I did my best to leave them as they were supplied, though I try to clean up any bad or hateful language.
Let’s dive right on in and see what normal, everyday folks think about this important topic in life.
What is the most important life lesson you’ve ever learned about health?
- Don’t take it for granted. Your knees will give out, you will lose energy and you’ll slow down. So do everything you can to remain as vital as possible.
- For me my biggest health lesson relates to bodybuilding. I spent my younger years lifting as much weight as possible with improper form in order to impress those around me. Now I have problems in both my hip and lower back. I ended up with a damaged hip as a result.I found out the hard way lifting with proper form is not only more productive, but also safer. Over the last three years I’ve made huge improvements to my body shape and overall health by lifting properly.
- Health is something you have to constantly work on. Just because you’re feeling okay in your youth, it doesn’t mean that it’s going to stay that way. I regret not going to the gym more and eating right. You can get away with poor habits when you’re young, but later on you will regret not taking better care of yourself.
- Health is the utmost important thing in life. If you are not healthy you are not able to do things for others. Health is usually overlooked or secondary to most people.
- High blood pressure can cause a variety of bad things such as a stroke. Going without enough sleep is very bad for your health. Mental health can be just as important as physical health. Mental health can impact your physical health.
- I have learned 3 important reasons about health.1). This is a sincere core value that I have. I am a Christian. The Bible tells me that my body is the Temple of the Holy Spirit and that I need to take care of myself.2). I love my Wife Monica.Ever since we became Husband & Wife I have realized that if I don’t take care of my health my life may shorten. I really want to spend all the time I can with Monica.3). I have observed others (family and friends) that have used tobacco) chew, cigarettes, cigars) and have/had cancer.
- I have learned that one must not take their health lightly. Smoking as well as other bad habits will destroy one’s body inside and out. Thankfully I am aware of these dangers and so I avoid them.
- I think an important lesson about health is to live in moderation. If you eat or drink too much or too little, you will hurt yourself. It is hard to live in moderation but it is your life. You will deal with the consequences of it so I think living a healthy moderate life is best.
- If you go to the doctor and they instruct you to do something, it is important to follow that advice. Doctors go to school for a long time and the average person does not know as much about health as a doctor does. However, many people often think they know better.They refuse medications, exercises, and lifestyle changes for short-lived comfort. Doctors are concerned with the long term health of their patients, so we should follow their advice. Listening to a doctor will hopefully keep you happy and healthy for the majority of your life.
- It is difficult to stay healthy, especially in the United States. Some of the best techniques for staying healthy involve eating food that is close to its natural state and exercising regularly. It sounds simple but it isn’t!
- It’s important to live a healthy lifestyle. Eating the right foods, drinking plenty of water, and exercising helps to give you a better quality of life. Also being emotionally healthy and feeling good about yourself, having a physically fit body and good nutrition helps reduce stress.
- It’s never too late to start improving your health. Take care of your health while you’re young, because when you get old it’s harder to get into shape. Eat healthy and exercise.
- I’ve learned that health is the most important thing in your life. You can’t take it for granted. Once you lose control, you’re in trouble. I’ve lost some of my health and I wish I could only have it back.
- Never take your health for granted and do your best to take good care of your body. And even if you do your best, being healthy is not guaranteed. You can lose your health very quickly.
- Never take your health for granted. Whenever you think someone is wrong check it out. I’ve seen my uncle prevent cancer by catching a melanoma early and having it removed. Whenever i don’t feel right, i get things checked out.
- Not to wait until it is too late! I have had a lump in my breast for years. I thought it was just a lump, no big deal; I have played sports and ran my entire life, which isn’t always easy on the boobs. Now, I am sitting in a doctor’s office, and waiting to find out if this lump is going to kill me.
- One of the biggest traps that you can fall into is to feel that you can ignore steps to take care of your health. Everyone above a certain level of intelligence and maturity knows that they should take certain steps to take care of their health, like watching what they eat, exercising, not smoking, and drinking in moderation if you drink at all.What I’ve learned and seen is that some people think that they can ignore these healthy steps until some sort of alarming event occurs. Then they will moderate their behavior and come back to health. In my experience and observation, at the end of the day, it’s easier to start with healthy habits early than to tell yourself that you will take better care of yourself if you see your health start to deteriorate.
- The most important life lesson I have learned about health is that you are the captain of your ship. What that means is that you control the intake of good and bad foods. Being healthy and fit is better than being out of shape and unfit, for an example. One should monitor what is fed into the body because it has a calculator, as well.The intake of calories should be counted and adhered to in order for weight maintenance and for good health. Good health is not something that just happens by eating any and everything that one wants. Health is contingent upon exercises as well as being aware of the foods that are consumed.
- The most important life lesson I’ve learned about health is that one must treat your body similar to a vehicle, paying attention to warning lights and constantly doing routine maintenance. It’s very important to visit a doctor on a regular schedule. Get lab work and physicals on the recommended schedule. When a condition is picked up early it’s much easier to treat than something discovered late onset. Exercise and good eating habits are key.
- The most important thing I have learned about health is that what you put into your body is what will come out. If I put junk in my body, I will have acne, get sick, and gain weight. It is important to take care of your body and put the right things in it.
- The secret to living long is eating well and exercising every day. And exercise is a habit that must be developed: if you don’t do it as a habit from when you are young, it’s harder to get into it later. So make things like that a habit. The same goes with eating healthy: kids raised with candy and processed foods will most likely not want to turn to healthy things when they are older.
- When there is a problem take care of it .Think positive that everything will be alright. Smile through all the bad stuff it make things a little easier.
- You really need to take care of your body, physically, mentally and spiritually. We need to have healthy bodies, healthy minds and a realization that there is something or someone higher than we are to call on to get answers to our problems. You shouldn’t be afraid to tackle health problems which are existing or maybe you have a sneaking suspicion that something is wrong.Don’t wait around; take care of issues that arise as soon as possible. Managing stress can alleviate a lot of bad health problems. Just be proactive about your health. I always say, don’t wait until the weekend to go to the Doctor. It will be more expensive and you face a whole lot more charges and you will probably be worse off. Take care of things as soon as possible.
- Your body isn’t going to take care of itself. You have to make healthy lifestyle choices in order to maintain a healthy self. I always took my health for granite, as I was a very healthy child. However, I’ve come across many viruses and infections, and if I would have maintained a healthier diet and exercised, I feel that my body would fight off these infections and I wouldn’t get as many.
- Your health is like having a beautiful car that you love and cherish. if you treat it well. You can do a lot of things. so eating the right foods and getting the right amount of exercise. And getting a good night’s rest will lead to a very fit and healthy you. Because without it, we would be pushing up daisies. it’s more fun to live and be active. That’s how we achieve our goals in life.
I hope enjoyed this series of questions and answers on life lessons. Whether you found something directly applicable or you just found reading through the lives of others enlightening, I trust you got something valuable out of this article.
Please share your thoughts or your own lessons, ah-ha’s, or generally awesome wisdom below. We want to know what’s on your mind!