No one would exist without a family. It’s just the facts. Dad, mom, siblings, grandparents, and all that jazz. Sure, we may not get along with everyone but we sure as heck do love them all. It’s just what you do. You keep your family close and you try to help each other grow to the next level all along in life. Tons of opportunity for life changing experiences, too.

Bad gas mileage – great company.
I surveyed quite a few folks about their own personal life changing events to get a better understanding of what people really cared for in life. I got a whole heck of a lot more useful information than I planned! In fact, I thought it was so useful, I had to post it here to share with you. Below is the RAW, unfiltered, ad UNcut responses I received to a set of questions.
What is your most memorable and impactful life changing experience with family? Why?
- The most memorable experience with family to me is the birth of my child. When I had my first child, it changed my life. Before her, I only cared about myself and just barely. I didn’t think about the future or the consequences of my actions. I lived in the moment. Once I had her, everything changed. I felt such love for her that it changed me. I knew I had to take care of myself so that I could be there to take care of her. I realized what was important in life and felt love that I didn’t even know existed.
- When my mother died to leukemia when I was 6 years old. I was already being taken care of by my grandparents since I was 3 when she was diagnosed with the cancer. I never really had experienced having a mother as I was growing up.
- Probably the most impactful life changing experience was moving to America. When I was 5 years old, my family left England for a new adventure in America. It’s had its ups and downs, but because of it, it has instilled a sense of adventure in me and I think has made our family very tight knit.
- When my parents got divorced after 25 years, it showed me that their marriage was a sham. Although my dad did survive cancer, he was also cheating on my mom for most of their marriage. She did nothing to deserve this and for a while I was down on marriage. Luckily, that view has since changed.
- It would have to be when my parents came with me to my first college visit. It was exciting to see the world outside of my hometown and sharing this experience with my family was fantastic.
- My most memorable life changing experience with my family is moving away to college. This is most memorable because it just happened recently and this is the first tie I’ve been away from my family for a long period of time.
- My sister leaving for college was traumatic! We were so close and did everything together so when she left I was devastated. It forced me to make new friends and do new things so it was good in the long run.
- During my grandmothers 80th birthday I sat back and took a look at the dynamic of the complete family. This is when clarification dawned on me that I’m nothing like the rest of them. They are all so self-absorbed for their own personal gains. Even though my whole family was there my grandmother spent her 80th birthday alone.
- Christmas dinner, when my whole family gets together. It’s great because it’s a great reminder as to why I am alive and what is really important to me and my life. Family!
- Probably my fiance’s addiction to heroin. I’ve learned a lot about myself from it and about people in general. It has really taught me about how there are more than one side to every story and that this should really be considered before you attempt to judge someone.
- I get married 2 years ago. My own family is a mess, but my in-laws are something else. They are the most encouraging and uplifting family I have ever met. They are Christian and can love on people like none other. The day I said “I do” to my husband, it wasn’t just “I do” to him, but to his entire family. There are so amazing!
- Having a child. This changes your life in many ways. One, you get to finally understand the psychology of babies to toddlers to youth to teens. Next, it gives you profound responsibility knowing that everything you do is influencing this new life. It also makes other members of the family forget little squabbles and focus on the good on this new life and new beginning.
Liked these? Then you might like my post on the 101 most important life changing experiences in my own life. Check it out - click here.
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