Growing with another loved one has it’s obvious disadvantages, but it has some awesome advantages you may not have considered, yet. When you really begin to understand how two people who really love each other can create an awesome team, then you’ve stumbled across a power so wonderful that it starts to make sense why we were designed this way from the get go.

Betty and Bobby hadn’t moved from that bench since oh-five.
I surveyed quite a few folks about their own personal life changing events to get a better understanding of what people really cared for in life. I got a whole heck of a lot more useful information than I planned! In fact, I thought it was so useful, I had to post it here to share with you. Below is the RAW, unfiltered, ad UNcut responses I received to a set of questions.
What is your most memorable and impactful life changing experience in relationships? Why?
- I went to a university in a different state because I thought I wanted a change, to get away from my friends and family for a few years. After the first year I decided it was a horrible decision, and was terribly homesick. I stuck it out for all four years, and after I graduated I moved back home and have stayed ever since. It took those four years away to show me just how good I had it, and to prove how great my life at home was. I’ll never take it for granted again.
- My mom and dad never slept in the same room. I never saw them kiss. Never saw any kind of affection. They would always just argue. Because of this, I can’t stand PDA. Things are meant to be hidden for a reason. I don’t display affection in public whatsoever.
- This is a fight usually. A fight shows how people really care about each other. If they can make it through their differences and make it through the fight it will impact the relationship.
- To always make love new. You can’t just be together without anything new or else things become boring.
- When my mother died it changed how all my relationships worked. Some are that I became a better listener to my child. I became a more patient partner. I feel that when you lose someone so meaningful it makes you see how important every moment is.
- I actually owe this experience to an ex that treated me so poorly it woke me up and made me realize I did not want a woman like that. I had made so many wrong choices with women, but her anger and controlling ways really woke me up. I am much happier now.
- When I first was introduced to the group of people I am friends with now. I was introduced through my roommate and was not expecting much, but they ended up being some of the most genuine and friendly people I have met. It was only through what I think was a lucky connection that I met the friends I have today.
- The most memorable and impactful is the day that I met my wife. I was going through a rough time and she brought happiness to my life. I am a much happier person now, than before I met her.
- The most memorable and impactful experience in relationships I have is actually with an ex-boyfriend and a relationship that wasn’t so great. The positive that came out if it was I knew things were not right, and I went to counseling. I got healthier, saw the relationship for what it was and sent him on his way. I learned a lot from that relationship.
- When I married my wife. I am so thankful I found her and she is my mate for life. We have fun together and like to hang out.
- Is when your significant other cheats on you. You can’t even look at the other person without feeling sick because you feel so betrayed. Here is someone you loved and trusted and that is now shattered and makes it a little difficult to trust people because what if it happens again.
- It’s realizing that no matter how hard you try you can’t change a person. I dated someone who was addicted to pills and tried to get her to change but she refused. Eventually I gave her an ultimatum and she chose drugs over me. At that point my eyes opened and I realized people will only change if they are ready to change themselves.
Liked these? Then you might like my post on the 101 most important life changing experiences in my own life. Check it out - click here.
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