ISTP: Crafter. Here are the top characteristics of this Jungian Personality Type:
- Reserved, highly adaptable, and effectively tolerant of others.
- They don’t wait around to solve problems and tackle them as soon as they appear.
- Good at sifting through the tons of data in life to get at the real meat of the problem and situation.
- They prefer to approach things from the factual and principled angle, making sure efficiency is a prime concern.
- They are not big fans of theory, always trying to focus on the cause and effect relationships surrounding them.
16 Personality Types Detailed
The Jungian 16 Type Personality Test is designed to measure how you like to look at the world and make decisions. Inside, you’ll find your 4 letter Jungian type and will be able to start making a difference today with practical, useful, and simple tips.
How Reliable is the Test?
Trait based personality assessments that rely primarily on S-Data (self-sourced) are considered useful to the extent that they satisfy this statement: “An instrument is said to be valid when it measures what it has been designed to measure (Ghiselli, Campbell, & Zedeck, 1981; Murphy & Davidshofer, 2005).”
Therefore these types of tests, if well designed, are as useful as the user wants them to be. These statements apply to the all well-designed personality tests. All this means is you should take the test honestly and you should exercise good judgment when evaluating your results.
As a little history lesson, there are other very well-known type tests out there that used the research of Katharine Cook Briggs and her daughter Isabel Briggs Myers to achieve great results. Those assessments devised their theories from Carl Jung’s work in his book Psychological Types (1921). A fine combination of great research, testing, and theorizing to create great tools.
Want to Learn More?
If you’re looking for more information about the Jungian 16 Personality Types Test, then click here to take it right away. There’s plenty more detail in the book if you’d like to check it out, too.
Thank you for visiting, watching, and wanting to grow. I hope you put your personality type results to good use.