There are far too many choices for HR representatives, hiring managers, and just about anyone who is interested in bringing a new employee into a company. There are a ton of qualified individuals.

Be a leader amongst leaders.
The rate of people with college education is going up steadily, and let’s face it, the world’s becoming global and a lot of things can be sourced in different countries.
This is not to scare you. This is to prove to you that hey, if you need a new job, these four tips to show that you’re going to be a true leader in the position in company you are going for, will really help you seal the deal. So let’s check them out.
Always Be Enabling Growth
You’re not a wart on the wall. You’re not someone that’s just gossiping and wasting time in the break room. You’re someone that’s actually interested in growing yourself as well as enabling and helping those around you.
This is a basic quality of a leader and effective team player. This is not a case of lone wolf syndrome – stick to your cube and be there all day.
This is a “I know the company is more effective when all of its pieces and parts are more effective”. You do your part and you help others do theirs better. Show that you have this quality. It really does communicate that you’re going to be a leader.
Be Still Able To Follow
But don’t be so awesome and so confident and so assertive that you can’t effectively prove that you’re still able to follow. Unless you’re the CEO or owner, guess what, you’re always going to have to answer to somebody, and even then you have to answer to stakeholders, either outside of the company or that have stock in the company.
No matter where you’re at, you have to prove that you can be a team player and be an individual contributor. These are things that true leaders do.
Initiate And Drive It Home
You can have all the great ideas and awesome plans in the world you want but until you actually initiate the plan and have the drive to go through with it, you’re not getting much done.
Tons of people out there are paralyzed by too much information or analyzing too much. Don’t be one of those people. Leaders get to the point where they’re comfortable and have managed risk enough to proceed and then they just go for it. Communicate that you can do that too.
Be Open To Advancement
You aren’t just stuck in that cube. You aren’t just this little box on the organizational chart. Prove that you are okay with moving around getting more stuff done, taking on more responsibility and earning a few extra bucks for it too. Show that you are okay with advancement and leadership qualities will be entirely evident.
Be The Leader The Future Needs
If you’re looking for a new job, you’re just going to have to prove that you’re not only a creative individual but you’re a person that’s willing to take on more responsibility and be a leader in your industry. There’s a lot of competition out there. Hopefully these four tips have helped you.
When you prove that you’re enabling for growth, you’re still able to follow even with your enhanced assertiveness, you are able to initiate and have the drive to complete while still be open to advancement and all the things that are going on, you will be successful.
Do these things and I think you’ll find your next interview and your next job hunt opportunity will be quite a bit smoother than it’s been in the past.
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