Depending on how far along you are in your job search and your interview champion journey, you might have a little bit of a lack of motivation. If you have three awesome tactics or hints, that I am about to give you, in your toolbox of career searching, you will be well above the rest of the folks that are out there.

Really and truly, motivation is the difference between a person who blindly sends out a couple resumes here and there and whines about why the process isn’t working and someone who actually gets interviews. If you really do take motivation seriously and work to build your internal drive and keep focused on the positive aspects of the feedback you do receive during your career hunt process, you will achieve success soon. Let’s go through three tips and tactics that you can use to up your motivation and keep your mind focused properly.
1) Know That You Got This Far
You got above the hundreds of other people that applied for the position you are going for. You did your resume at least mostly properly, you did your cover letter mostly properly and you did all the other little check marks that hiring managers or HR people are looking for when it comes to someone I want to call or they actually want to call. This in itself should inspire confidence in you and motivate you to say “Hey! Maybe I did not get that last one last time.
But I did something right that I can learn from and use for my next application or opportunity to grow and get a little bit further on.” Keep in mind what is working for you and use that to build up your drive for the next one. Also keep note of what is not working, if you can. Write those things down and see what you can learn from them. That too is a super important piece of information that you can have to help you out.
2) Know They Are Interested
Again, you made it that far. So you can already say to yourself “Hey self, they are interested. They actually do want to call me and see how much of a relevant candidate I am for the position.” So they said “Here’s Joe, here’s Jane, here’s Bobby, here’s Betty, and here’s the other eight hundred people. But you, you right there, yeah, I want to talk to you. You piqued my interest. Now, go ahead and close the deal for me.
Sell yourself to me.” That’s a big step up. And if that does not check your box of motivation and good feedback, then I don’t know what will. But you can make it start working for you soon. This is a very important piece of feedback because there aren’t a lot of other opportunities for feedback in the job hunt process. It’s a sad thing, but feedback is a hard thing to come by during this career searching journey.
3) Know That You Are Worth It
This may be a little bit too touchy-feely for most people but you really do need to keep your mind focused on what you can learn from everything that you do. How it can get you a little bit closer, and what this means in your overall scheme of things. If you can keep your mind focused on the good things that happen to you or how good can be seen from the things that happen to you, then maintaining your motivation level, confidence, self-esteem, and all the other wonderful soft skills that keep you running will be that much easier.
If you do not think this is important, think about the last time that you woke up and hit the snooze button four times and just decided “I just do not want to do anything today!” That is exactly what you will overcome if you continually build up the positive points in your days. The positive-to-negative ratio says that any individual, especially during parenting, needs to hear five positive things or have five positive experiences for every one negative experience. Every opportunity to get a positive experience out of something helps you achieve that 5 to 1 ratio. And it is very important for your happiness, motivation, and overall success in your journey.
Keep Your Career Hunting Motivation High
Motivation really is key and keeping it on the up and up will help you drive forward to what will ultimately be your bread and butter position. If you will use the three tactics we talked about, you will be successful. Keep in mind that it is important that you made it this far. It is important that the interviewer is showing that they are at least interested in you.
And it is very important for you to know that you are worth it in every effort that you can put into it. These things are very important for you to keep in mind during your interview and your whole career finding process.
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