The job interview process can be confusing, scary, and something that is unknown to most people. Chances are you haven’t been on too many interviews, and if you have, I’m sorry. Not a lot of people have experience with this process.

Little Jonny is always prepared.
It’s something that takes a lot of skill and changes quite frequently. If you haven’t applied for a job in the last decade, you’re in for a world of changes and frustration. However, if you keep these six tips in mind, you’ll be well prepared for your next job interview.
Hint 1) Leave Your Cell Phone
I know you need to know exactly when you get emails, tweets, and Instagram likes. However, none of that has any place in the interview. Do not even put it on vibrate. You don’t want to be distracted. So just keep your phone away, and you’ll be one step closer to focus on the important things.
Hint 2) Empty Mouth, Words Out
No gum, be professional and sustained. Don’t do anything that will make it appear that you are not interested, not professional, and not ready to take the job the job that is being offered to you. These are simple things that you can knock out, that will ensure you’re one step closer to a good interview.
Hint 3) Dress Well
If the company is business casual, don’t show up in shorts and a Hawaiian shirt. Don’t wear sandals. If you are a lady, keep it conservative, chaste, and professional. I know you are proud of what you got, and there are appropriate places for that. However, during an interview, it is not. You wanted to be appreciated for your skills, intelligence, and your value to the company. Everything else is a distraction. Men, women, be professional and presentable.
Hint 4) Leave Attitudes Outside
I don’t care what problem you have or had. I don’t care what is coming ahead. None of it matters for the interview. When you are on the way up to the interview and when you’re coming out, all that’s fine. That little spot in between, you’re lifted up, and you are in a completely different state of existence. You are “interview person,” and you are doing the interview. That’s it.
Hint 5) Be On Time
This may mean showing up thirty minutes early or planning out the route and taking a test drive the day before. Do you what you have to do to take as much risk out of the situation as possible to where you can be there at the exact time. The last thing you need is to put a bad impression for because you plan things well.
Hint 6) Bring Extra Copies
Sometimes, it won’t just be one interviewer. Sometimes, they lost their copy. Sometimes, you need a copy to go over too. Bring three to five copies of your resume, your cover letter, your references, and any supporting certificates, transcripts or backup information that you may not use, but would be great to have along with you. You may have Dropbox for your phone, but if you’re using that, you’re violating the first one I talked about. Printing extra copies to bring with you will never fail.
Use These Hints to Win in Your Journey
To be prepared for your interview, the six tips you just went through will set you off to that path of success. Make sure that you leave your cell phone completely out of your possession. Empty your mouth of any food or gum, and make sure that every word that comes out of your mouth is purely professional.
Dress well. Leave all the attitudes outside. Be on time, and bring extra copies of the pertinent documents. Take care of these things, and the rest is up to you. Don’t let those little things get in your way, they are completely under you control, and now that you have them completely under wraps, it’s time to do this successfully. I wish you good luck on your job hunt.
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