This is one of those questions that I haven’t seen come up too much. I haven’t ever really considered asking it, myself, to any outsourced individuals, but I have to say that you really need to be especially careful when answering any question that talks about your worst quality or a weakness that you have.

Don’t hide – be confident.
There’s probably very few good ways to answer this question. Any proper way to answer revolves around spinning, honestly and effectively, your weakness into talking about something that you do as a positive contribution for whoever you’re working for.
You want to make very careful that you don’t pick a path and then spend the next ten minutes digging yourself out of a hole. I have three tips here that will help you make sure you answer this question in a safe way.
#1 – You Have So Much To Learn And You’re Thirsty For More
Yes, I know, this sounds kind of corny, but I’ve been in plenty of positions where it gets to the point where you’ve figured out the processes, the products, the troubles, and the things that come up and you’ve seen enough of the randomness that you’ve got a good general feel for most things that can happen in a given day.
At that point, where you are either looking to move horizontally in the company or in another branch or even in a whole new company altogether. That may be why you’re seeking about going on an interview. I don’t know. Point being, it’s a real concern and as long as you don’t make it too hokey, it’s a very important thing to bring up.
If you can bring it up as one of your weaknesses that hey, you get bored after a couple of years of doing the same thing unless you’re able to keep learning, I think you’ll find that that’s a pretty valuable thing to bring up.
#2 – You Are Bothered By Making Mistakes
This is one of my favorites, because I mean who likes making mistakes? Who really appreciates making mistakes and puts “Hey, I make great mistakes that cause 47 percent decrease in overall revenue for the company.” on a resume? No one does that, right?
Again, you need to be careful with this and make it not too corny, but present it in a way where you’re like you really take it personally even though it’s a relatively minor task or error that affects your deliverables. It’s still something that you base your career development and reputation on. That’s how important these things are to you.
You hold yourself in such high esteem you want to get done things properly. Spin it positive, make it honest, and spin it right. It works for you.
#3 – You Are Critical Of Those With A Low Work Ethic
Now, I’m not saying you’re calling them names and writing bad stuff about them on the bathroom walls, but communicate that you are interested in helping those with a low work ethic or maybe a lack of drive in getting things done to do more and to add more value to the company.
This is showing that you’re great at teamwork. You have an interest in adding value to the company and that you, yourself, have such a high work ethic that you’re able to spot the difference between high and low and have a desire to help out.
You Worst Quality Is Really Your Best
When you’re being asked very tough questions at a job interview, it’s very important that you don’t stick your foot in your mouth or close any doors earlier or at all. This is an important process. One of the questions that are really tough is “What is your worst quality?” or “What are some of your weaknesses?”
If you carefully, honestly, and effectively talk about how you are thirsty for learning continuously, you are bother by making mistakes, and that you have a drive to help those who have a low work ethic to move up and to do more, I think you’ll be pretty safe in answering this question.
Work out a couple examples that you can do now before the interview, and you’ll be pleasantly surprised with your ability to answer this question later when it comes up.
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