Stop right now, wherever you’re at, close your eyes, and picture the absolute happiest person you know. What do they do on a daily basis? What do they say to themselves? What do they say to other people? And how do they handle the things that happen in their life? What tips can you get from these people that are already busting every depression instance that comes across them and turning it into happiness that they use to make their life better?
You can deconstruct their happiness strategy and use the pieces of it that work for you to build your own plan to be more happy in your life. Take what works from those who know and own it, making it your own. Here are three ways to discover your own plan:
Number One: Find The Light And Make Yourself Bright
Chances are, there’s at least one thing you can get from those super-happy people out there, whether that’s a common phrase that they’ve attached to and they use whenever they’re frustrated and it just sucks the negativity right out of them and it provides that release for that emotion for them.
Try it, give it a shot, find that one thing that allows you to channel some of that energy out as a temporary experiment for now. If it works, keep it. If it doesn’t, try something new. Find that little bitty light in that depression darkness and turn it in and allow it to make yourself bright for figuring out what’ll work for you next.
Number Two: Don’t Let Whatever It Is Get You Down
Easier said than done, I know, but you do, at any given moment, have the choice of whether or not the things that happen to you make you have a bad or a good day. Sure, you’ve probably got in the habit of saying, “Oh, that person makes me so mad, I just can’t control myself.” Well, guess what, there are two things wrong with that sentence.
One, they can’t make you do anything. You have to make the choice. Two, no one controls you. No one can make you lose control. This is always a decision that you make inside, whether emotionally or logically. Own up to that truth and you’ll start to see that things won’t get you down in the same way they did before, if at all.
Number Three: Help Someone You’d Rather Not And Expect Nothing In Return
Have your end goal of what you want to get out of your relationships and life and let it go. Pay attention to the process and the successes you get along the way, but completely detach yourself from expecting any particular outcome that would benefit you. That is not the point. This is especially true when you’re helping other people out. Sure, you probably want a smile, a thank you, and a kudos at the end of helping someone with rebuilding their house or moving to a new house.
I understand that. I completely would like the same thing myself. However, if you build yourself up to expect that and don’t get it, chances are you’re going to be frustrated and upset, which will take away from, not only your happiness, but from the people you just helped, which would just, basically, wash away any of the good that has been done. Detach yourself from all expectations, but keep the path going in the right direction.
Happiness Is Useful From All Angles
Build your happiness deconstructing skills by paying attention to those out there that know how to do it. Pull from their example so that you may find the light to make your life bright, to get over letting other things get you down, and to help someone when you know it’s really going to be tough without paying attention to the expectations of outcomes. It’s time to start being more happy, to bust your depression, and build your strategy to living a more successful life.