Do you have one of these types of people at your work where no matter what they’re doing, there’s just this crazy, awesome smile on their face. They could be walking down the hall, sitting at their cube or in a meeting, it doesn’t matter. They’re just always smiling and never have anything bad to say about anyone.
Do you know what makes them tick? Have you ever wondered? What if you could grab just a little bit of that and use it in your own life? I have something for you. Here are three daily habits that these extremely happy people do to get there, and I should know I am one of them. Here we go:
1. Don’t Let Negative People Affect Your Mood
You are in complete control over what happens and affects your life. Any time someone says something negative, it has absolutely zero effect on you, unless you actually make the choice to let it affect you.
Maybe read that again, listen to that again, feel that again — you are not affected by anyone else unless you choose to be affected. It really is your choice.
If you catch yourself saying, “Oh, that so-and-so made me so mad,” think about that — did that person really make you mad or did they just say something that you chose to get mad at?
See? There’s that choice. Don’t let negative people affect you. You’re too good for that. You have too much good stuff to do and you don’t have time to mess around with that silly, negative goofiness.
Your mood is your own. You control it. You are the commander and the operator of those emotional control knobs. Dial them whichever way works best for you and you’ll start rocking.
2. They Can Find Humor In Everything
One of the best things that I love about podcasts, videos and just playing around for only awesome things that I like to share with people out there in the world, is that really, it’s fun.
Editing the stuff behind the scenes leads me to see some of the craziest stuff that I never thought I would come across. I sit there and I watch myself when I am editing, or listen to myself while I am modifying things, and just crack up.
It’s hilarious to see these silly things that I say or come up with. It’s just a wonderfully humorous event, and if you can bring this ability to find the fun and humor in everything, nothing can stop you. Boring lines become fun. Boring meetings become fun. Boring work becomes fun. You really are in control of what you get out of everything you do.
3. They Know How To Find Joy In The Simple Things
When was the last time you looked up at the clouds and just wondered, “Wow! What kind of creature is that?” Or if you have kids, when was the last time you put down your phone and actually enjoyed playing on the playground with them?
I know sometimes I just like going to Petco or similar pet store with my kids just to see their wonder and amazement at all these crazy creatures that are all around them.
It’s a beautiful thing to dip down into the world where nothing matters, and it’s about pure enjoyment of the simple things in life. Take hold of that mindset and you can be extremely happy all the time.
It’s Okay to Copy These Folks
Your daily habits now might make it impossible for you to believe that you can be one of those crazy, happy people. But guess what, all habits are learned and can be changed.
If you start blocking out negative people, find the humor in everything and realize the joy in the small and simple things in life, you can be one of those happy people. Your life can be boosted immediately when you’re ready to give it a shot. So go for it!