Your life, now with force multipliers!
Tools: devices that make doing things easier. No need to check the official dictionary definition on that one. You run through several tools every single day just go get stuff done.
When’s the last time you threw together a spreadsheet or word doc that you use quite often and made it an official “hey I really DO need this regularly” template? I’ve been collecting these things on my hard drives for some time now and it’s time to share!
There is now a “Tools” section of the website to store the devices I create in an attempt to enhance the way we work through life. So far, I’ve got a few things in the “Tools Library” that might interest you – here’s a sample:
Bra instorming:Cheat Sheets:
- Lotus Blossom
- Quantum Linguistic Questions (QLQ) (RS Original!)
- S.C.A.M.P.E.R. Method (SCAMPER)
- Human Fears, Needs, and Desires / Wants
- Making Ideas that Are Made to Stick
- Writing: How to do 5-Minute Writing, Chapter Outlines, and Book Blueprints
Book Notes:
- Einstein’s Distraction Index Drill
- Speed Reading: Perception Enhancement
- Finances: The Intelligent Asset Allocator
- Communication: Getting to Yes
- Communication: How to Win Friends and Influence People
- Book Reading Helper / Tracker
- Project / Task Tracker
- Story Boards
This library will only continue to grow as active and purposeful effort is being made to turn all of my future thing-a-magigies into something I can share with ya’ll.
These are the nifty little tools that help make my life a bit easier – and I hope they can do the same for you, too!
Here’s the link to the Tools Library again, in case you missed it.
Have any special tool request? Comment below with your ideas!