Sometimes we hang on to assumptions or decisions from the past that are not useful to us anymore. And sometimes, when we’re really not paying attention to what our life is telling us, these things can continue to keep doing what we wanted them to do in the first place… whether or not this is a good thing.

It’s good to know the blue lines flow wherever you go.
And now for something completely different. I had an urge to be poetic last night. Now I have an urge to share.
Did you, at one point and time in your life, decide that talking to strangers was a bad idea and would get you into a lot of trouble? Sure, it may have been influenced by parents, friends, or well meaning public services announcements… whatever… the point is, this thought, no matter how ridiculous it is today, is still in there… way back there doing it’s thing.
Going along with this example, how would “it’s bad to talk to strangers” affect you as an adult, coworkers, or teen? Having a hard time striking up a conversation with someone in the grocery checkout line? How about making new friends at school or work? Heck, when is the last time you talked to your neighbors?
Take a few moments to get one of these mind worms, these thoughts, these limiting beliefs in mind now. Suspend your ingrained disbelief (“adult sensibility” lol) for a little bit, have a little fun, and get ready to read some poetry! May it serve you as well as you desire it to!
“Blast the Past”
You have a funky thought, hanging on your mind, It’s making you distraught and you have to find. What is it deep inside that is tearing at you, Halting and keeping choices from being new?
You have an idea of the mind worm inside, Let’s shine the light on it now so it can’t hide. You have all of your mind lit in full view now. Let’s get that funky thought gone and here is how.
Sit back, relax, close your eyes, and breathe slow, We’re going down deep, to that place you know. As you get much calmer, and fully laid back, It’s time to take a relaxing trip in times way back.
Mind your goal of having funky thoughts go away, Look deep down inside, and to your unconscious say, “Take me back where that thought did grow,” “I trust we will get there, hop in mind and go!”
As you sit there relaxing, now, way above where you started, Go further and further above that line of time you departed. Look to the past and fly quick as you can. There’s a spot back there where it all began.
Flying and floating and going along with glee, Aim for one hour before the thought got into thee. Use what you know now, to fix what was then, Writing the wrong with a mind correction pen.
Float up and see the old thought glow bright blue, Move Forward to the future as that hue follows you. Glowing up your whole line of time from then to when, You’re headed up to six months from now my friend.
You float back down and see how you’re changed, The smiles, the fixes, and the choices after past rearranged. You feel real good, smile in face, like you should, Float back up above and wonder of the things you could.
Gently fly on back to now in the present day, Knowing what you know you know now is good to say. Kindly land back in you at the place you stay, You’ve done a great job, all fancied up today.
You did it, that’s right, you have better choices now, Many ways and hoorays between your neck and your brow. It’s been a fun trip, you’ve grown on up so fast, Thank yourself for the growth on this blast to the past.
-Richard N. Stephenson
photo by spectrumtextures