You know, I’ve tried to start working out several times, and I know that I need to keep up that habit for at least 21 days before it will stick. But sometime around that two week time frame I start slacking off on the warm ups and then I hit the snooze button and just say I am going to rest a little bit longer.

Just got this new blue Trapper Keeper!
Then finally replace the whole routine with a cup of ice cream. As you can see, I still need to work on that. But guess what? I know that confidence is a key part of maintaining that habit.
I want to tell you how you can use these three ways to feel super confident even when you’re down. You got to get there to get over the road blocks and feel good so you can get some goals accomplished.
#1: Tell Yourself That You Are Confident And Happy
Yes, I know that sounds kind of fluffy but it’s a necessary thing. You need a majority of things said to you, and that you say yourself to be positive. Now, just don’t say wishy-washy, fluffy self-help from decades ago. That not what I’m talking about.
What I’m talking about is stopping yourself from any negative things you’re going to say and replacing them with positive statements of your ability and things that you need to get done. Chances are you don’t have a lot of people to help remind you of everything you’ve done that’s been successful and what you’re capable of.
So you’re just going to have to do it yourself. This will build you up and add to your total happiness bucket. So you can build your confidence to get stuff done.
#2: Tell Yourself That You Can Do Anything
You once were a baby, you didn’t know how to talk, you didn’t know how to walk, heck you didn’t even know how to chew solid food. Chances are now you’ve got all those things mastered.
You did have help along the way. But a lot of it was you experimenting and just continually trying things until you figured out what worked. You fell hundreds of times before you figured out how to walk.
Take that same mindset right here and right now, and apply it to everything you do. You know you can do everything; it just might take more than one try.
#3: Look At The Accomplishments That You’ve Done
Think back to the most awesome thing you’ve ever done in your entire life. Give it a two or three word name like “Best Award Ever” or something much more creative and keep that close to you. Relive that experience.
Put the feelings back in there of that happiness, that confidence, and that feeling of joy from the success. Tie all of those feelings to that key phrase and keep it close to your heart.
As a matter of fact, go ahead and hit your heart gently as you say that key phrase and remember that feeling of accomplishment. Keep that with you, that will be your secret weapon when you need that extra boost of confidence.
Super Confidence Is In Your Hands
Three ways to feel super confident even when you’re at the lowest of the low points in your life is what we just went through. When you tell yourself that yours confident and happy, when you tell yourself you can do anything, and when you look at the accomplishments that you have done.
You’ve got tools that will keep you up. Being successful and adjure in your life requires you to have these awesome little tips and tricks that you can use at the tip of a hat. Practice them today and use them as much as you can!