Just when you thought you heard it all, right? You’re careful as careful can be around the little ones. Using all of the safe words that won’t sound funky if misused in public.
But then something funny happens. They get older. The fine teaching you did with them helped them read and do math at 3 years old. Oh yeah, and did we mention inklings of logic?
OH boy! :) Give a preschooler, forever interested in anything (and forever listening to everything you say!), an inch and he’ll take a mile when it comes to giving stuff right back to ya’.
My son never ceases to amaze me with his always working mind. You’ll have to watch the short video to get the specifics, but here’s the moral of the story:
Communication is not what you say, but what gets heard.
Something we all could think about more often in our lives. Now go watch that video when you get a chance. No, go watch and share it now, please. It’s a fun video but it’s got a dang good point, too.
*YouTube Videos Removed*”http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=udShPvQZX0Y”]
(Can’t see the video? Here’s the link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=udShPvQZX0Y)
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