Did you know there are all kinds of self help tests online. They are easy and a lot of fun to take. These aptitude tests can be a insightful and will show someone’s weaknesses and strengths. Some of them will only take a few minutes to complete and will provide a lot of interesting information. […]
Using Your Strengths and Weaknesses as Crisis Tools
If there is one thing for certain, it is that we are all going to be hit with a crisis or two, or even several, during our lifetime. However, it is during these many times stressful moments that we discover our innate strengths and weakness. Essentially, many of the crisis situations in life are precipitated […]
How Printable Personality Tests Are REALLY Done
Sometimes, it can be an interesting process to learn more about ourselves. Whether we discover a new hobby, learn about our family and their past, or even take specialized personality tests, we are learning more about ourselves and who we are. There are many free personality tests out there for you to take, even printable […]
The Real Reason We Dread the Employee Self Evaluation
It is back. Yes, it is time for the dreaded annual employee self evaluation once again. There are many different evaluation forms that employers may use during an employee’s annual performance review that can seem intimidating to an employee. I’ve even struggled before with what to write in my evaluation after the many years I’ve […]
Turn Your Sucky Job Into Your Next Stepping Stone – Grow Up Already!
There’s this tendency to complain about work. We hate our overbearing bosses, that gossipy colleague, and our lackluster jobs. With so much work stress, we tend to forget that there are also things to be grateful for. This may sound like naïve sentimentalism, but it’s true. The past months, I have been listing down daily […]
Discover 7 Ideas on How to Be a Better Person by Exploring
We’re best in all that we do when we go into things without any type of judgments on mind and with a curious approach. What’s the best way to get into this wonderful state of child-like awesomeness? Explore. Explore like you’ve never explored before. Open up the doors of possibilities and see what’s on the […]
8 Ways to Be a Better Person Through Thinking
I know no one reads directions anymore and product manuals are almost immediately thrown in the trash. But what happens when you get to that step when things just don’t seem to fit properly? It’s time to get the instructions down right. You’ve got to fix the inside before anything will stick on the outside. […]
8 Simple Ideas on How to Be a Better Person By Cleaning Your Chaos
The clutter around us is a reflection of the clutter inside of us. Maybe they don’t directly correlate, but there is a reason for every bit of clutter around your house, in your car, and on your desk. By clearing the clutter, you can simultaneously work through the reasons the junk made it there in […]
8 Innovative Ways to Be a Better Person by Using Creativity
Have you ever caught yourself saying something fun or relaxing is a waste of time? I know I have – especially when I’m super-deep in a gigantic project and highly focused on getting stuff done. I have to remind myself that a nice creativity recharge can do wonders for focus, ideas, and overall energy. This […]