“To remain mentally sharp, you have to deal with familiar things in novel ways. But most important of all, you have to have a sense of curiosity. If interest and curiosity stop coming automatically to you, then you’re in trouble, no matter how young or old you are.” –Art Buchwald The human brain is an […]
Resourcefulness: Enhance Your Ability to Deal with New Situations
[This is Part # 1 of a 20 Part Series to Improve Your Strengths] — Take the Strengths TEST Quote: “You can always find a capable helping hand at the end of your own sleeve.” -Zig Ziglar Definition: “the quality of being able to cope with a difficult situation” Resourcefulness – your ability to deal […]
How to Start a Blog, Find Your Passion, and Change the World!
Have you every wanted to say something to a bunch of anonymous people? Or maybe just to practice your writing skills? Or heck, maybe just to have a world-wide accessible diary to record your thoughts? This is what a blog is and what it’s for – you’ve been looking for a blog. Try it – […]
Find Your Strengths Without An Access Code, Take Free Aptitude Test
How would a free aptitude test help change your life? Would knowing how to find your strengths and weaknesses be useful? You won’t begin to understand the world until you have a better understanding of yourself. I believe that’s easy enough to accept. But then some people come along and say, “Well, you really should […]
Read This Before You Buy a Strengths Finding Book Used, Or Else…
This is a journey to find a good free aptitude test. Will we make it? Can such a thing be had without paying for a silly access code? Hang tight. Imagine going into your local super-market on an adventure for sugary snacks. You scan around for the aisle in question and notice a big, red […]
Is It Wrong To Want To Be Right?
The other day I was feeling all go-getter in the morning at work. Didn’t even have my coffee, yet, and I was blazing saddles like a madman! Jumping all over a priority and special request from our customer. Trying to prove to my customer (and new coworkers!) that I could really beef up the customer […]
48 Core Values – Motivation for Work Satisfaction
I was a bit of a lone wolf back in the Middle School days. Never really had too many friends. Sure there were a few around that seemed to put up with me in an okay manner. I mean, I didn’t stink or anything – I just didn’t feel like getting out and about all […]
How You Can Achieve Goals in 3 Easy Steps
Remember that comic book in the corner store? It was just sitting there on the magazine shelf… kind of calling your name. Sure, you may have spent your 5 cents on the Bit-O-Honey, leaving you not nearly enough for that 95 cent paperback wonderland. But this day was different from any other. You weren’t going […]
11 Hints for Your Online Social Media Addiction
Amazed by the vast ability to explore and wander around the entire world without leaving the comfort of your own home? Sure you are! We all are. Some of us more so than others – brass tacks lead us to the conclusion that we could all use a few pointers on increasing life-productivity. Yes, this […]