Photo by: TheDarkThing Now, my wife might disagree with me, but I’ve grown a lot since I was a little one. I can look back and see that I had a certain type of personality then. Sure, some of it has remained unchanged, but a large portion of it has matured and transformed. I like […]
Make Change the New ‘Norm’ for Your Life
Photo by: Upsilon Andromedae There’s something awesome, frightening, and wonderful that pops up after having a child. No matter how many books, lectures, grandma’s, and PhD’s you learn from, you can’t be prepared enough for this event. Imagine, you’re thrown out of a quiet, comfy, and decidedly adult home – only to find yourself completely […]
3 Self Development Tools to Help with Your Change
Photo by: Robert S. Donovan Change can be a scary beast. It is, by definition, not what you’re used to. It takes you out of your comfort zone, throws you on the tracks, and doesn’t tell you when the next train is coming. You are on your own – champion of your world. Does that […]
101 Ideas on How to Be a Better Person All Around
Photo by: paul (dex) Whether you’re looking for ideas for New Year’s resolutions or just hints & tips on how to be a better person all around – I have a treat for you! The following list of 101 items will help you to be empowered on your self-improvement journey, if you choose to accept […]
What Does it Mean to Grow Yourself?
Photo by: Leshaines123 Your view of what it means to grow is not the same as mine. It’s probably different than your neighbor’s, your friends’, and your own view from last year. This is an important point to pay attention to. You are not a brick wall that is setup one time and destined to […]
New Project Purpose Template [Tools]
I like to spend a bit of time planning my projects before I get started. I did it for all of the personality tests and online strengths aptitude tests I’ve made here. This usually involves figuring out the purpose, audience, and problem(s) solved. I’ve had a decent “general idea of what to do” for each […]
"If-" | Rudyard Kipling's Gem of Creative Self Discovery
Photo by: crowt59 I know I must be hiding under a rock. I have read over 180 books this year alone and this is the first time I’ve run across this gem. This wonderful little poem by Rudyard Kipling, titled “If-“, is a masterpiece. I find myself reading it often, now that I’ve found it. […]
Learn More with this Guided Meditation Exercise
Photo by: mtungate I read a lot and have a ton of projects floating around in my head. It’s a challenge to sort through sometimes. Some days it seems like I’m just a bit overwhelmed and I don’t feel like doing anything. Against my better judgment, I’ve been known to ram right through a project […]
Annoying Coworkers? Tough Clients? @$$hole Customers? Time For Feedback
I was never really big into the social media (socmed) stuff a few years back. Sure I played some online games, but that pales in comparison to how wide-spread socmed stuff is now. Hard to go through a day without getting the fix now, ya’ know? But here’s the thing. I had a bit of […]