I like to spend a bit of time planning my projects before I get started. I did it for all of the personality tests and online strengths aptitude tests I’ve made here. This usually involves figuring out the purpose, audience, and problem(s) solved. I’ve had a decent “general idea of what to do” for each […]
"If-" | Rudyard Kipling's Gem of Creative Self Discovery
Photo by: crowt59 I know I must be hiding under a rock. I have read over 180 books this year alone and this is the first time I’ve run across this gem. This wonderful little poem by Rudyard Kipling, titled “If-“, is a masterpiece. I find myself reading it often, now that I’ve found it. […]
Learn More with this Guided Meditation Exercise
Photo by: mtungate I read a lot and have a ton of projects floating around in my head. It’s a challenge to sort through sometimes. Some days it seems like I’m just a bit overwhelmed and I don’t feel like doing anything. Against my better judgment, I’ve been known to ram right through a project […]
Annoying Coworkers? Tough Clients? @$$hole Customers? Time For Feedback
I was never really big into the social media (socmed) stuff a few years back. Sure I played some online games, but that pales in comparison to how wide-spread socmed stuff is now. Hard to go through a day without getting the fix now, ya’ know? But here’s the thing. I had a bit of […]
Wearing Many Hats and Dealing With Difficult People
Photo by: Swiss James I’m not the oldest guy on the block, but I’ve been around for a while. I’ve been through school, a few jobs, married, kids, friends, fun, online stuff… you name it. I’ve had plenty of roles in life. Hats. Hats is what I’ve had. Plenty of them. I put them on […]
Judge or Describe: Your Self-Worth is at Stake
Photo by: Rennett Stowe Self-worth. It’s not something we usually think a 3 year old would have. I mean, come one, they’re just little kids, right? Wrong… oh so wrong. Psychological research shows that what the child learns, around 3 to 4 years of age, HUGELY impacts their self-worth and esteem… for the rest of […]
9 Self Motivation Types – How to Get Motivated! (New Free Quiz!)
Photo by: oskay Have you ever seen something so fully aligned with its purpose that nothing will stop it? This thing – so focused and pointed toward its goals. Repelled by what doesn’t fit and pulled toward what does. It’s almost magical to see. It’s even more inspiring to imitate. A magnet. A regular old […]
Gain Confidence and Improve Your Memory – Trust Your Unconscious Mind
Photo by: Dermot O’Halloran Every day, millions of human beings face a physically impossible task. One that they can’t bear to take. It’s not that they don’t want to… it’s not, necessarily, that they don’t know how to. They just can’t build up the strength to carry on. Who are these folks, you wonder? Infants. […]
Discover 64 Ways to Live Your Passion Using Lotus Blossom Brainstorming
Photo by: moetaka Do you ever get stuck? Hung up on the same old plan or ideas or maybe no ideas at all? Having a wide variety of choices (or just some FRESH choices) can mean the difference between success and failure. A key point to know if you’re trying to find your life’s passion […]