If you’re like me, there are times when you feel doubtful and confused. And then there are other times where feel focused and energized- as you’re experiencing joy or happiness in whatever activity you’re doing. With this post, I’d like to address the topic of “confusion” versus clarity- or living according to your purpose. Many […]
Is The Fear of Success Sabotaging Your Every Move?
This topic means being able to succeed at your endeavors without doubts in your own abilities holding you back or bringing you down. it means allowing yourself to be ‘ok’ with being a success. it means succeeding with no feelings of guilt or remorse. Many people are afraid to succeed. If they succeed, they will […]
Surefire Ways to Tell if The Fear Of Failure’s Got Your Number
Facing down failure can be downright daunting for some. But each time failure is experienced, the stronger the individual becomes. Also, by facing challenges the fear of failure diminishes. Learning how to get back up and learning how to be better and learn from your failures. It’s the only way to have that mentality to […]
It’s Risky Business Or No Business – Just How Much Do YOU Need?
This topic means learning to understand and manage risk, and learning to risk only what you can afford to lose. It also means only taking a risk after the proper amount of inquiry and research, so that you know what the potential hazards are. There are other ways to make a living, but doing this […]
Paralysis By Analysis – What The Hee-Haw Are You Waiting For?
Paralysis by analysis means that you are thinking about a problem too much. It can mean that you are overcome with a certain problem that it consumes your life. The best way to overcome it is to stop thinking about it for a while so that you can get your mind back on track. I […]
4 Block-Breakers To Get Your Stuck Goals Going Again!
You know they say writer’s block is a gigantic problem for a lot of people. I don’t know that I believe that because, one, there aren’t a whole lot of writers. And two, it only stops amateurs. Bust those pesky roadblocks. Because professionals know you have to power through it. If you can tie the […]
3 Reasons The Lies About Multi-Tasking Are Causing You Grief
You know what bugs me is that a lot of people say that humans aren’t capable of multi-tasking and I know what they really mean to say is that humans are not proficient with performing multiple tasks at the same time. Juggling, singing, working, & being awesome. Well I’m here to say that, much like […]
Are Your Free Time Hobbies Getting You Down? Chunk ‘Em!
So everywhere I looked, I saw Angry Birds this, and Angry Birds that. Yes, I know it’s probably a little old now, but, the point is, I was getting kinda curious. Understand that I don’t really play games, and when I try to, I almost immediately stop because it doesn’t hold my interest or I […]
4 Tips to Regain Control of Your Mood and Boost Productivity
You know those stupid slumps in life that get us crawling? They tend to get in the way and just bring our productivity completely down to nothing. This usually happens to me when I have 18 different things going on at one time…like mortgage refinance, kids starting school again and trips to see grandma. YOU […]