Think of it like you’re trying to understand why your best friend likes their favorite hat. Is it their favorite color? If their favorite color was your favorite color, would you like that hat too? Does your best friend have a special memory about the hat? Does it fit the best? If you were to […]
What Your Target Market Research is Really Telling You
A target market is the group of people that a businessperson or company would sell their product of service to. There are many kinds of target markets, some are demographics like race, age, gender, geographical location etc. Some might have to do with hobbies or occupational interests. For example, if a company was selling toilet […]
Why Overcoming the Fear of Failure is Your First Step
Do not be afraid to try. Only when you try can you know what you are capable of. Whether or not you fail or succeed, you have gained experience and learned. Having tried and failed is an important lesson of life. Learning from a failure will only make you stronger. Anything great in our history […]
Actual Market Data on Doing Real Customer Research
Customer research is all about getting the customer to open up. You can do this by asking open-ended questions and then actually listening to the answers. Open-ended questions are questions that can not simply be answered with a yes or no. Here’s an example: “What can I help you with?” is a much better question […]
You’re Forgetting to Include Your Customers’ Opinion – Stop It!
Knowing what consumers really want makes the difference between a one-time buyer, and a recurring and loyal following. If your target audience are 10-year old kids, it may be more difficult to get feedback due to their access and age. Viral marketing. You use social media to engage and interest the audience, without having to […]
How to Really Make Your Customers Happy and Wanting More
To make a customer happy is to give them what they are looking for. After you are sure that is available you must treat them with respect and let them know how valuable they are as a customer. Always remember to be honest with everyone. My experience with making customers happy is on the customer […]
How to be the Best at Customer Service – Today
Good customer service is when someone at a store who is helping you, makes you feel good about being at their store. It is also when someone working at a store is very helpful to you. Bad customer service is when someone ignores you, or doesn’t help you when you need help buying something. In […]
Are You Targeting Your Niche Markets Correctly?
When people are trying to sell stuff, they spend money to advertise their products. They want that money to be put to good use. If they are selling bikinis, they probably don’t want to advertise in old people magazines, for instance. determine if another company is offering the services/products you are in the desired location. […]
How to be Great at Researching Niche Target Markets
Well if you want to sell things, you have to know what people want to buy. To do this, you must find the group of people that will most likely want to sell something to and find out what they like or don’t like about it. Then you can figure out what to change, and […]