Enhancing creativity means to allow yourself to be more creative than you were in the past. It means to allow yourself to create something and to understand the meaning of your creation. I think it is also being passionate about creating your creation. Also, I think one of the most important factors in a career […]
Ready to Learn? Grab a Video Course, DVD, Bluray, And Get Some Skills
Learning through video means a lot to me. I have used YouTube to learn many different trades including playing the ukulele and such (I’m still no good at it, but whatever! lol). Whenever I need a visual for something that I don’t know how to do, I just Google a video and I’m set. Also […]
Audiobooks Are A Great Source of Misery… and Learning Awesomeness!
I love learning through audio books because I can close my eyes and layback in the dark and learn instead of reading and getting a headache. Listening to things rather than reading them helps me to grasp the concept better. It sort of brainwashes me to learn the information… in a good way, of course! […]
How Enhancing Personal Creativity Can Boost Your Future Success and Joy
Being able to appreciate other people’s works of art is key in developing your own creative ideology. Most artists usually build upon or expand upon previous creative geniuses of the past, therefore I believe by learning and taking pieces of someone’s own work then adding your own flare/originality to it, is what enhancing personal creativity […]
Learning Through Videos Is Light Years Ahead of What You’re Used To
I knew someone who took a video course in College. The class was American History. They claimed to have found it to be very dull, as the course mainly consisted of the professor discussing the text book. Since there was no chance of any organic discussion, the course wasn’t as interesting as it might have […]