I see too many stuck adults out there. Whether this is actually at work, in the grocery store or online, there are just too many people that seem to believe they are just so far along their career path that there’s nothing they can do about it. I’m hoping that this article will help those […]
Useful Career Advice From an Online Quiz? Yeah Right…
Do you spend a lot of your time talking to friends, coworkers, or family about advice for your career growth? What kind of feedback do you get? Are you getting the meat and potatoes type of information that is helping you make life-changing advancements in your career? Chances are you get a lot of encouragement […]
Thinking Careers? Here’s Advice For Students Who Care About Their Futures
I’ve been out of college for a little over a decade now and looking back on it, I really wish I had more guidance on my future and what I had planned to do. I started out as a medical student and I was convinced I’d be a neurologist, and then I was convinced I’d […]
Want a Career Change That Matters? Your Help Is Here
Sometimes people can feel locked into their career path and not really know what change or help is available for them. Some people just end up being complacent in their position, and I’m not saying there’s anything wrong with that, but I like to think that everyone likes to seek out growth and true fulfillment […]
Get A New Career At 40, Are You Nuts? (Hint: I’m Not)
I’m not quite 40, I’m mid-30s, and I’m highly interested in the years to come. I really don’t have an idea of what’s actually going to happen and I don’t think anyone can have a great understanding. But I do know that everyone can plan ahead so they don’t get caught blind-sighted. I know that […]
A Career Guidance Test Can Be The Difference Between ‘Win’ and ‘Bleh’
I really had no idea which career would best fit my overall interests, personality, and motivations, until I found a little test that I really appreciated. One year I was able to take a personality test that was based on the research of Carl Jung (usually pronounced ‘Young.’ I say usually because sometimes I dip […]
Your Career Change Plans Suck! 3 Things You Need to Consider
I regularly talk to people at work, on the internet, and in person. They all seem to think that wherever they’re at, it’s pretty much where they’re going to be for life. Sure, they could see maybe a lateral move to a different company or industry, but they don’t think that they are going to […]
How Is Career Development Different For Women?
Maybe I’m just looking at the world through rose-colored glasses, but I like to think this world is fair. I like to think that human beings are mature, have good common sense, and like to treat the people they work with an amount of understanding and fairness that everyone should have. I believe this should […]
Top 3 Virtual Teams Technologies to Boost Your Output
When I was taking some of the upper level engineering courses back in my college days, I remember swapping files back and forth via USB. I remember those horrible times of having 18 different versions of every Excel spreadsheet, Microsoft Project file, and Word document from start to finish of the project. You want to […]