It seems like a plan to develop a respect and obedience. The phrase seems like something used in a corporate setting, in which people develop a plan to bring about cohesive and uniformed adherence. It seems like something that would be used by teachers to discipline students or a boss on his underlings.
The most important thing about a leadership development plan is that it is organized and can be realistically achieved. If the plan has not taken into account others’ skill levels, in will be difficult to maintain a group mentality. he development plan should inherently make clear the credentials and experience that the leader is implementing into the current plan.
There’s no better way to figure out what will help people the most than to just straight up ask them. Surveys, interviews, emails, whatever tool works best – as long as people are getting helped! I asked a few of my visitors, test takers, and researchers to share their thoughts to help me better understand how people work. I’m sharing it with you in hopes you’d get something out of it, too. I’m also trying to bring their words to you with as little filtering as possible, so please bear with the awesome level of personal-tough this article has.
Now’s the time to focus on your professional development, your career growth, and the overall future of all things job related.
Today’s Focus: A Leadership Development Plan
‘R’ = Richard N. Stephenson (me!)
‘I’ = Interviewee (anonymous by request unless otherwise noted)
R: What are some of the biggest reasons you would ever look into this subject?
I: A leadership development plan can help you get more success in your job. It can help you take more of a larger role in your job, and help you attain the success you want. With a leadership plan, you could get a promotion and earn more money and become a boss.
R: How do you think this could change someone’s life?
I: When I am in a leadership situation, I like knowing exactly what is expected of me and how to become the best leader I can be. A leadership development plan can improve the lives of those in a working environment by providing a set of guidelines and clear goals for creating effective leaders. With a plan that everyone can follow, those interested in leadership can get the best guidance and work together to create solutions to the organization’s issues and needs. A leadership development plan will create a clear structure for everyone to refer to as well as detailing goals and measures of success. Within an organization wherein leaders are needed to rally those unified under a common purpose, a plan for developing the skills needed for effective leadership is beneficial for all involved, especially if there was confusion or disorientation in the organization due to poor leadership. I like having a plan in place so I know what the measures of success are and what goals need to be met.
R: How do you think this could be used for personal development or just being a better person overall?
I: Leadership is our most important resource. It is the engine that pulls the train and a leadership development plan can help you become a better leader and a better person. Becoming a better person mean you will need to develop leadership in order to accomplish anything of significance because it is leaders who make things happen. It is leaders who have a vision, take initiative, influence people, make proposals, organize logistics, solve problems, follow-up, and – most of all – take responsibility everything need in order to become a successful and better person people look up to.
R: Describe the perfect person that is a shining example of this topic, in your opinion.
I: A leadership plan can be used for bosses to make sure that they are good leaders. A boss or manager wants to be the best leader, so he/she can use a plan to make sure that is happening. A leadership plan can spell out what strengths and weaknesses a leader has and what can be done in order to become a better leader.
R: In a few sentences, describe who’s just plain no good when it comes to this topic.
I: People who like to rely on their guts or their instincts are not likely to be very good at utilizing leadership development plans. For many people, interacting with others and interpersonal relationships aren’t things they think about very strongly. Attempting to shift gears into a more structured plan is not at all a natural move for people like this, it’ll only lead to confusion and frustration at first.
R: Describe the “perfect day” as far as making this subject a part of your life.
I: I would first Google the phrase “Leadership Development Plan”. When the results came u, I would look up the people related to the topic first and research them. Finding a good role model is important so I’d make sure it was someone whose ethics I agreed with. I would also look up other people and compare their ideas, since comparing things that work is a good way to find what works best for me. It would also be important for me to look up things that don’t work, since learning from the mistakes of others can also be useful.
R: Can you let us know when you think a good time to pay attention to this subject is?
I: I believe that the best time to talk about this is in high school. So often people wait until their mid 20’s to start thinking about leadership and career goals. It’s best to start young becoming familiar with the concepts in high school. Then one should continue to practice and hone their skills in college so that by the time they are ready to begin their career they have a grasp on leadership.
R: Tell me about an inappropriate time to bring up this topic or use it in life?
I: When you work in a call center and you want to bring in a Leadership Development Plan. You need to make sure your workers are ready for a change. They may need more training first.
R: In a few short sentences, tell us where people could get some good use out of this topic.
I: Leaders are important in several different situations. A leadership development plan would be good for someone in their career or school. Leadership development is useful throughout life.
R: Describe the worst place to bring this subject into your life.
I: A leadership development plan should not be used in a romantic relationship, or at least not overtly. I do not see my partner appreciating me rolling out a domestic program to develop her leadership abilities. Employees of company leaders may not respond well to the intricate details of how their leaders view and plan for them.
R: Give me an example of who you think should look into this subject more?
I: As far as an individual is concerned, someone who is moving ino a different line of work. For instance, someone who has been a supervisor in a private, for-profit organization who is going to work in a nonprofit organization. There are “industry differences” between the profit and nonprofit sectors on everything from interpersonal actions to operating procedures. Also, an individual who is in a supervisory position over others for the first time.
R: How would you recommend people get started on this topic?
I: The person should determine their own role models and analyze their leadership qualities. It may also be useful to take a class that teaches leadership skills. Both would provide information on leadership development plans.
R: What is the absolutely most dangerous and bad thing someone should stay away from related to this topic?
I: A leadership development plan should be devised when a group needs direction. In this plan, they would write out the qualities they desire in a leader such as a positive attitude and professional ability. Through this planning method, traits can help determine the ideal candidate for the group.
R: This topic is broad and the readers will need some focus. Can you help guide them along with an example of what to do next?
I: A basic understanding of psychology would seem to be a place to start. Developing leadership in yourself or others requires an understanding of how to teach which requires knowing how to learn. Different types of people will react differently to various leaders and styles. Being able to quickly identify what will be effective is an essential skill for a leader.
Did you find at least one or two golden nuggets of useful information in there? I hope so – I know I love reading these and seeing how I can apply this wisdom to my life. Make it your goal today to take at least 1 thing away from this post and try to live your life more focused from now on.
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