Are you not sure where to start when looking for a new career? Do you have all of these wishy-washy ideas floating around in your head of things that you’d like to do, but you have no idea how to turn them into a real job that pays your bills?

See, it’s ironic because the blocks aren’t lined up perfectly. Clever.
Well, you do need to get a taste of the awareness that’s required to find out what’s available. The tips I’m about to give you will help you quickly find the perfect career for you, or at least give you the right path to get where you need to go.
1) Take A Job Placement Test
There are many self-assessments out there that are geared toward self-help and career development. I’ve got a few on the blog here that you should check out.
But there are also ones out there that will specifically give you positions that best match the questions you answered. For example, at they’ll run you through their assessment and give you results that are very enlightening.
They will narrow down towards your educational and experience level, and what industry suits you best. There are a ton of results that’s obtained from that test and a lot of things to go through that will completely blow your mind when it comes to seeing what’s available.
When you start matching your interests with what’s out there, you’ll see what makes the most sense and cutout some of that other stuff that will just be a waste of your time.
2) Look Into Taking Classes For What Interests You
If you know that you’d like to jump into programming for web pages, well, guess what, you can take a course at your local community college for probably a couple hundred bucks and not only learn something in the process, but see if this is something you’d really like to do.
And if you’re really lucky, your company might even pay for it if you can somehow relate it to your current job. Experience some of the professional training that’s out there to give you an inside look into what you’re interested in. Put up a little bit of your time and interests now so that you can save tons of time later.
3) Research And Checkout The Requirements
If you know that you want to move into occupational therapy, there are a lot of checkmarks that you need to do in the meantime. You have to have time on the job. You have to have certain education. You have to have references and a whole bunch of prior education before they’ll even consider you for the position.
Not only that, but chances are you’re going to have to start out at the very bottom and work your way up.
- How long is that working up going to take? How much education do you need?
- Are you going to be able to pay your bills in the meantime?
- Is it typically contract work all the way up to the point where they switch you over to full time?
There are a whole bunch of questions that really do depend on what you’re aiming for and you need to find out the answers. If something that you’re super-duper interested in looks like it’s going to be 5-10 years out in implementation, if you ever want to move to that position, you’ve have to start now. Take as many little steps as you can to get where you need to go, but until you know what steps you need to take, it’s not a reality.
In the Quick of Finding Your New Job
Quickly find the perfect career for you by using the tips that we just went through to help you get a taste of what’s out there. When you can really narrow down your choices by taking a job placement test, when you can dedicate yourself to taking some relevant classes to get an inside feel, or when you can research out the detailed requirements to see if it’s feasible, you’ll have a clearer path.
It’s time to put in just a little bit of effort now to get an outline of what’s ahead, so you’ll have that greater internal awareness. It isn’t until you know what you think you want is really what you want, that you should dedicate your time and efforts to it. Do a little bit of research. Do it now rather then later.