Project after project is piling up on my desk and sometimes it’s really hard to figure out what needs to be focused on. It’s times like that when the whole world feels crazy and I have to remind myself that if I don’t focus on what’s important, I will be wasting my time.
Sure, great things will get done regardless, but the emotional toll and the overall output is not optimized. I want to stop being overwhelmed by all of these tasks and the stress that comes with them, and I want to start getting work done more effectively.
I also want the same for you. I want you to stop being worn down and I want you to stop working so hard, so you can work smarter. There are five tips you can use in your life today.
1) Organize Your Work Before Starting Tasks
If you know that a task or project you’re working on requires a certain set of materials, a certain group of people and a certain brainstorming activity, then go ahead and print out those paperwork items. Email the people that you need and get the supplies that are going to make things work.
Do this stuff upfront so you’ll have the clear path ahead. It’s like baking. When you have all your ingredients out at first, you can think oops, I don’t actually have any baking soda. Better to find out now than when you’re ready to lick that spoon and it just doesn’t taste right.
2) Research The Work Or Project First
If you don’t know anything about Project XYZ, then now is the time to go meet with those who do or read up on the documentation for it. I’m not saying you have to become an expert, but most of the time it’s great to get a primer or general overview of the project before you jump into it and get a whole lot of steps committed to the path.
You won’t know you’re going down the wrong paths unless you know what you’re aiming for. Figure it out first.
3) Prepare Uninterrupted Work Times
Setup that schedule or meeting on your Outlook calendar that will take a two hour block of your time for the project you need to work on. Let people know that you’re busy. Don’t answer the phone call if it’s not a complete emergency.
Turn your instant messaging off and put it in do not disturb mode. Set aside all possible distractions for this uninterrupted block of time, so you can have ultimate focus on the work ahead. You may need to coordinate with your coworkers and boss ahead of time, but every bit of it will be worth it.
4) Partner Up With Likeminded Folks
Teamwork is a necessary thing. It helps businesses grow and businesses love to grow. And it shows in your paycheck.
What you can do is find those around you that are working on similar projects or have experienced the same projects in the past, and get what worked best for them. There’s no need for you to reinvent the wheel. Use what’s out there. Combine your forces and meld your minds to come up with the best solution.
5) Know When To Delegate
If you’ve tried all these things and it still seems like you’re worn down and can’t get stuff done, maybe it was meant to be that way. You are not 100% awesome at everything that’s available. You can’t be, you’re not perfect and you don’t have enough time in the world to learn everything, so stop trying to.
There are some things you need to delegate to people who are better at it. Learn this skill because it’s one of the most important ones you’ll ever need in your life.
Working Smarter Is The Key To Success
Stop working so hard. Start working smarter and stop feeling so worn down. Organize your work before the task starts, research a little bit first, prepare uninterrupted work times…partner up with likeminded folks and know when to delegate. Add these tools to your toolbox and get more stuff done so you can live a happier work life and home life forever.