“Internet what? The newspaper’s all I need, son!”
I haven’t looked for a job in almost a decade, and I am completely amazed by the number and quality of sites that are out there. These job search engines are amazing in that they deliver such variation, quantity, and really capability to anyone that’s looking for a job. Having great tools is a very important thing when in such a confusing job hunting journey. Change is tough!
The only problem I see is the whole process can be kind of overwhelming when it comes to knowing which one to pay attention to. There’s a lot of noise out there, and in a job-search journey focus, attention, and awareness are important for effective results. Let’s work on those that matter and maximize your time. The top three job search engines are monster.com, careerbuilder.com, and indeed.com.
1) monster.com
This mega-site has been in the game forever and they are integrated with some of the biggest names out there like NASA. They have all kinds of tools and resume-building facilities available, too. It truly is a a one-stop shop for everything you need. Now this is usually the first place I start, and sometimes even the last place. That’s a good thing because that means you got a job.
So check it out when you get a chance. Just do be careful with the volume of job postings that are there. With such a great volume, it can be hard for the good stuff to pop out and be noticed. Use filters and use them well. Give it a shot.
2) careerbuilder.com
This one is similar to monster.com and I believe it came out a little bit after. But, it’s really just another gigantic player in the game. While some of the jobs overlap with other gigantic sites out there, you’ll find that there are some unique positions here that aren’t at other places.
Mostly this is because HR representatives of some companies are specifically picking careerbuilder.com, but I haven’t noticed that to be so important in my job hunting journey. I also don’t think you need to treat this site as a place you need to be exclusively, it’s just another tool in the game. It’s a pretty robust tool at that so give it a whirl.
3) indeed.com

Round and round we go, where we stop, only Indeed.com knows!
This one is interesting, it has some mixture of unique, individual postings, but it also has a very large amount of what I would call ‘scraped postings.’ I’ve determined that these are postings that are pulled from other sites. Now I hope that most of them are done with permission otherwise I’m not so sure about the overall legitimacy of the site.
However, I’ve seen a couple of postings that were a cause for some confusion. I’ve even been on an interview where the interviewee didn’t even know where I had found the job because he had never even heard of Indeed.com. That’s where I found the posting so how was I to answer this question? While the way that indeeed.com gathers their data may be a little mysterious, it’s a great place to start. It’s also very streamlined, like Google’s results.
Which One Will Work For You?
The three main job-search engines that you need to pay attention to in your ultimately awesome career journey are monster.com, careerbuilder.com, and indeed.com. Because I’m most familiar with it and it’s been the longest player in the game, I want ask you to head over to monster.com and start your profile today. It’s time to get on with your future awesome career.