To really get the inspiration, dedication, and understanding that comes with awesome bosses, we need to begin to understand where all of that awesome-sauce comes from. If every company had a boss that was phenomenally effective, and wanted every single person in the company to succeed, companies would begin to realize such wonderful returns not only monetarily, but in general morale and output.

Be a new leader – your future is not etched in stone… or marble.
But how do we get to that point? How do we begin to understand and breathe life into the corporation dinosaurs that are out there? How do we find the new entrepreneurial leader that can help bring this change and slay those “good old boy” corporation structures that are still alive to this day? Here are a couple things to think about.
1) Focus On Building Others
A real leader understands that nothing gets done without every piece of the puzzle along the way working the best it can. These puzzle pieces are people. In order for the company to grow, people need to build people. But there’s more to it than that, my friends.
People are not cogs. People are not puzzle pieces alone. People are living, breathing human beings that have aspirations and goals in life. And to the best of any leader’s ability, those aspirations need to be considered and used in the corporate structure to get things done more effectively.
2) Focusing On What Matters
These awesome leaders know that chasing the shiny objects is not what’s going to make people feel better. These leaders have a vested interest in the outcome of their daily work life. This leader is going to know what matters most to each individual and how that ties in to the goals that the company has.
By putting these pieces together, you can begin to form those partnerships of employee skills, tools, and paths to completion that make the most sense for profitable returns. These leaders focus on what matters most and it helps the rest of the organization focus, too.
3) Focus On Staying The Course

Stay on the tracks, A+ 100%.
No matter what happens in the industry, no matter what happens to the stock market, and no matter what happens to the corporate structure, these entrepreneurial leaders are going to know that the point is to adapt. They know they need to keep totally focused on staying the course.
They know that keeping their effort, attention, and morale pointed towards what works best for each person is the best thing they can do on any given day. The process and the goals that are to be achieved are what gets the attention so people are not running around like chickens with their heads cut off regarding things that don’t matter.
Good Old Boys Are Going Down
The “good old boys system” slaying quest is here to be carried out by the new entrepreneurial leader that focuses on building others, focuses on what matters, and focuses on staying the course. Check out a couple of the resources I have here to read up on the skills these leaders have. It’s then you can decide to implement one thing at work at your next opportunity.