Getting an undergraduate college degree is the next step of education after high school. It’s not required of students that they pursue a college degree. However, the degree can open up many opportunities in terms of careers.
The most important thing about getting an undergraduate college degree is thinking through what the person wants to do with the degree. This is true because earning a college degree requires a lot of time and a lot of money. If the person hasn’t thought through what they would like to do with their college degree, they are more likely to regret their decision. The person should make sure they are interested in using the degree, and that they are certain of the time and financial undertaking.
There’s no better way to figure out what will help people the most than to just straight up ask them. Surveys, interviews, emails, whatever tool works best – as long as people are getting helped! I asked a few of my visitors, test takers, and researchers to share their thoughts to help me better understand how people work. I’m sharing it with you in hopes you’d get something out of it, too. I’m also trying to bring their words to you with as little filtering as possible, so please bear with the awesome level of personal-tough this article has.
Now’s the time to focus on your professional development, your career growth, and the overall future of all things job related.
Today’s Focus: Getting An Undergraduate College Degree
‘R’ = Richard N. Stephenson (me!)
‘I’ = Interviewee (anonymous by request unless otherwise noted)
R: In a few words, can you describe what is the biggest reason you think this topic is important?
I: Getting an undergraduate degree will help a person to better their future chances of a more advanced position in a specified field. While a person could feasibly make a comfortable living without such a degree, it provides even more qualification. A person could easily be in high demand within their professional field.
R: Assume the change from this subject is super-important, how could it help someone change their life?
I: Getting an undergraduate college degree is a great way to open up many opportunities in someone’s life. Not only does it create job opportunities in many cases, but it also introduces us to people, things, experiences, and knowledge we would never have had before. The benefits of getting an undergraduate degree are immeasurable because while it boosts our attractiveness to employees and results in a higher lifetime income, it also opens doors in many ways we might not expect. The friends made during this experience can last a lifetime, and the things we explore are never forgotten. It is possible for someone to find their true passion while getting their degree and to create a meaningful career out of it. An undergraduate degree is also necessary for a lot of specific careers and higher degrees, so it is essential to acquire this degree in order to move forward in these areas.
R: Explain what about this subject could help people be just all around better.
I: It could help someone become a more ethical person as result of college related material. It could also help a person understand better how the world works. Finally, it could help a person understand themself better about their skills and weaknesses in different advanced fields.
R: At the end of the day, who would you pick to be the best at doing what matters most regarding this topic?
I: One type of person is someone who has taken the time to see if he/she is really ready to attend college; or if he is the college “type.” There are people who simply are not suited for college, and a person needs to give this a lot of thought before he spends a lot of money on tuition for something that will essentially be wasted. This can be very difficult; it can cause a lot of soul searching. For someone to say to himself, “I’m more suited to getting a job than to earn a college degree,” may not be easy. But in the long run it can be very wise. Besides, he can always change his mind if circumstances change.
R: Do you know anyone who could use a little more help on this?
I: People not good at understanding getting an undergraduate degree are those who do not have one. They do not know how hard it is to get one and how much studying must be done. Getting an undergraduate degree is a big deal, and more people should try and get one soon to advance their careers.
R: Describe the “perfect day” as far as making this subject a part of your life.
I: Talk to a high school counselor or community college counselor about options. Before going to a university I recommend getting general classes completed there and transferring to the college of your choice for classes specific to your major. College is very expensive so I recommend being practical and choosing a major that will likely land you a job when you graduate.
R: When do you think new folks should get into this topic?
I: Getting an undergraduate college degree is frequently done right after high school when the knowledge is still fresh and the student is transitioning from the education system to the work place. Since a lot of careers require special education and a higher degree, it makes sense to get an undergraduate degree as soon as one is able to in order to maximize one’s potential in the workplace. As such, the late teens and early twenties are a good time to acquire this degree. This time period is best because the student often doesn’t have any meaningful work experience at this point but they also don’t have a lot of the life responsibilities such as a full time job or family requirements that would prevent them from putting their full attention into getting their undergraduate degree.
R: Give me an example of a bad time to dive deeper into this subject, please.
I: It would be a bad idea to bring up this topic with someone who has a great job, but did not get a college degree. They might think that you’re being rude by telling them how important a college degree is. This type of person is probably happy even though they didn’t receive a college degree.
R: Where in people’s daily lives do you think this topic would fit in nicely?
I: Most parents will expect their kids to get these degrees. It would be better for someone who excels more at academia than physical labor. Someone who is, say, good at math or English should consider a degree over labor jobs. Someone who was never good in high school but great with their hands should consider other career paths.
R: Where is this subject considered inappropriate for practice or use, in your opinion?
I: This topic would not be good when speaking to adults who did not attend college. This might offend them. It also wouldn’t be a good topic for children because they wouldn’t understand or care.
R: What kind of person would benefit from looking into this subject further?
I: All people could benefit from getting an undergraduate college degree. It will enhance their knowledge, and look better for future employment opportunities. The things you learn in undergrad school can be used later in life.
R: Got any pressing advice for us on this topic? The readers are hungry!
I: This is a basic 4-year degree. It will get you to the front of the line when applying for jobs. It provides a greater basic knowledge of the world.
R: What would you say is something we should avoid at all costs when it comes to this topic?
I: Getting an; undergrad degree helps build a foundation of education for work related fields. If you are able to study in a classroom setting before workforce you will better be prepared and be a more valuable employee. Sometimes it is just a paper but can make getting employment easier.
R: Given any tool available, what would you recommend folks do make this subject a bigger part of their lives?
I: A person can ask a person who went to college what it is like. They can look up statistics to see what the pros and cons are when it comes to salary. Someone could also listen to college lectures or courses on iTunes to get a feel for what it takes to get an undergraduate degree.
Did you find at least one or two golden nuggets of useful information in there? I hope so – I know I love reading these and seeing how I can apply this wisdom to my life. Make it your goal today to take at least 1 thing away from this post and try to live your life more focused from now on.
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