Oh, sometimes I just don’t know how people can put up with this junk. It can really hurt to have the micromanager or annoying coworker that’s always nitpicking and disturbing everything you do.

Change that to Tahoma, 12Pt, single spaced. Now.
There are times when it seems like you’ve put so much effort and work into the things that you do, that having somebody come by and critique it nonstop is completely demoralizing. How can you find worth in that when you find so much attachment to the feedback of others?
Well, guess what? It’s time to stop feeling that attachment. Don’t let these crazy weirdoes control your emotions. That’s right. Don’t let anyone else control your emotions. Because they can’t.
Every emotion that you choose to act on is because you chose it. No one can make you mad. Only you can choose to respond to a stimulus in an angry way. Let’s go through three tips to help you deal with micromanagers and crazy coworkers.
1. Do Such A Superior Job, They Have Nothing To Say
Okay, so this is a little rosier than it sounds. Because these type of people will always have something to say because they’re just buttholes like that. But if you do completely and absolutely great work that’s at least on par with what’s expected, but hopefully, well above what they’re looking for, then eventually, it will get noticed, and those micromanagers and crazy coworkers will be ousted.
You will be avenged by continually creating great things. Don’t worry. Stupid people like those crazy micromanagers get bad attention when they realize that the people under them or around them are doing great jobs and not letting those stupid levels of oversight hinder their work. Just hang in there.
2. Ask Them About Themselves To Break The Patterns
This one takes a little bit of practice, but is absolutely fun and effective. When you’re deep into a conversation, or more of a lecture, from a micromanager or a crazy coworker, break the state.
You see, these types of people get in the habit of being in a dominant position where the other person just takes their barrage of direction. You have to break that habit. You have to replace that habit with something else that also makes them feel special.
What makes people feel special other than power? Talking about themselves. Right? That’s what you’ve got to do. You’ve got to break up their barrages in a strategic manner with something that matters to them.
Chances are they’ve told you about their life and what’s going on in their family, and other things that they do. Strategically, bring these things up when it’s appropriate in the conversations to break up their barrage of directions.
Keep doing this subtly and in small ways, and you’ll begin to notice that they get this look on their face, like, “what?” as they enter the state of broken hypnosis.
They are no longer in the belief that they can talk to you however they want. This will take some time, but it will eventually wear down that habit. This might not affect them with everyone else that they work with. But you will become a person that doesn’t just take direction anymore.
3. Fill Them With The Data They Ask For, And More
Oh, this is so much fun. And it’s leveraging your time, too. When they ask you for a piece of data, chances are they’re going to ask you for 15 more pieces of it in the next couple of days. Go ahead and spend the extra 30 minutes to an hour to create an absolutely thorough, complete report that you can send to them and have electronically documented.
Anytime they bring up the subject again, simply go back to your Sent folder in Outlook. Forward that message back to them. And then add the message on top that says, “I’ve answered your question below.
Please see here and let me know what needs more detail.” This will help remind them that they have what they need. And it will, again, break the habit of them expecting to be able to bug you whenever they want. Provide them more information than they asked for, and you will be seen as a person that actually makes them have to work more to get stuff out of you.
Don’t be vindictive or evil about this. Know that you are supplying them good information. And help set yourself up as the person that’s not just going to take junk from people.
Micromanagers And Funky Coworkers Are Just Fine
Cope with your micromanaging bosses, crazy coworkers and other annoying people at work with the three tips we just talked about.
Do such a great job, no one can complain. Ask these people about themselves to break up their horrible patterns. And fill them with more data than they need, so they know that they can’t take advantage of you.
Be proactive. Be professionally defensive. And cover your butt. Because these crazy people just get crazier, unless you take a smart approach to how you deal with them.