I see too many stuck adults out there. Whether this is actually at work, in the grocery store or online, there are just too many people that seem to believe they are just so far along their career path that there’s nothing they can do about it. I’m hoping that this article will help those people (and maybe even you) get unstuck and get the right advice that they need for their career advancement.

“Why are there so many steps… WHY, God WHY!?!”
Sure, students and mid level folks can probably get some use out of this too, but my aim is established adults and professionals here. Those people that feel stuck and that they don’t have enough life ahead to make the changes that they need to make. Get that out of your mind because it’s not true, and here’s some tips to help you go and grow.
Ask Yourself: What Matters?
There is a theory of learning called the 4MAT learning principles. This educational theory states that learning the what, the why, the how, and then the what if is what’s needed for most folks to get a good grasp of the subject at hand. This is the first part of that, the ‘what.’ Until people figure out what they’re actually interested in or what they plan to do, nothing else matters.
When you have a greater understanding of what it is you’re doing or planning to do, then you’re able to align everything you want to do with that path. It’s like picking up a brand new smartphone when all you’re used to is an old-school rotary dial phone. Until you actually know what the point of it is, you won’t know that you need to swipe your fingers, press some virtual buttons, and search your contacts to get some things done. So understand the ‘what’ first for your career growth.
Ask Yourself: Why Does it Matter?
The big ‘why’ is the area that covers your motivations. These are your guiding principles. These are your internal factors that are helping you to do what you need to do in your career and life. By figuring out the why, things begin to matter. By figuring out why you actually care about the work you do, the people you work with, and the products you create, you will be able to optimize in each one of those growth-fronts. These are motivations that you’ll build from the inside and will have clear purpose on the outside, no matter what job you’re doing for the rest of your life.
Ask Yourself: How Does it Matter?
This is the biggest part of the 4MAT Learning process, and it’s the actual steps to implement the ‘what’ using the ‘why.’ These are the milestones, the major goal-markers, and the training that you need to do and understand. These are the big tipping-point events (and baby-step mini-goals) to get to the management position, to get to the small business you’re interested in running, and to get to that vacation home in Aruba that’s been on your mind all this time. The ‘how-to’ is you implementing everything you’ve learned so far in life. This is stuff you already know, but might just need to apply more fully in your life.
Career Tips and Adults Do Mix
If you’re a restless adult or are just feeling stagnant looking for advice in your career growth, you need to know the what, the why, and the how to actually get things done. I know for a fact there is plenty of information to guide you down the path that you seek. Check these articles and tools out when you get a chance and start your career growth journey today.