This is a journey to find a good free aptitude test. Will we make it? Can such a thing be had without paying for a silly access code? Hang tight.
Imagine going into your local super-market on an adventure for sugary snacks. You scan around for the aisle in question and notice a big, red arrow with a ‘3’ on it that states, in oh such beautiful simplicity, ‘CANDY’.
Roaming along the row, you scan quickly up and down the left, dart to the right, and quickly flood your senses with lovely aromas of chocolate, vanilla, orange, and caramel. Really smell and take it in… that’s right… yummy goodness right in your nose! You begin to salivate just a little now, as imaging taking a bite is just a little too real to contain.
Finally, there it is… that special treat you crave… you know the one. It’s that nicely wrapped (the really crumply and loud wrapping) goody you used to crave when you were just a wee little one. Up there, only one left – you grasp it firmly and snatch it off the shelf.
The rest of the journey home is a bit of a blur as all you can think of is, “THIS CANDY IS GOING TO BE ABSOLUTELY GREAT!” You can only hope your desires will be fulfilled.
The Online Strengths Test – A Real Challenge!
That’s the exact feeling I had when I recently found a book called “Now, Discover Your Strengths” by Marcus Buckingham and Donald O. Clifton at the local Salvation Army family thrift store. And for only $1! What a steal! But was it? Note: there is a new version of this same ‘deal’ in “StrengthsFinder 2.0” by Tom Rath. Same fate in 2.0, too – read on.
I zipped through the pages devouring all that I could while thinking, “Hey – this self-assessment information really could be useful if I take the time to research it and try to strengthen the gifts I already have!” As such, passion carried me forward.
Until I reach this little section of chapter whatever… referencing an online personality ‘strengths’ assessment test… the StrengthsFinder. “Ohh, fancy!” I think.
Flipping through the pages, not really caring what carpel-tunnel-esque madness is taking over my fingers as I find another little hint: “Go online to and enter your code to take the test”. And that I did… well, I went to the website anyway.
Prelude to Finding Strengths in the Candy
Sometimes, being told we can’t do what we really are passionate about or really know we’re capable of is all it takes to propel us even further along our ultimate goals and achieve just that much more… assuming it’s for the better, of course. Look that naysayer in the eyes and strongly proclaim: “I will power on!” Then soon see your useful desire be brought to life whether the whole world tries to stop you or not!
Oh yeah… the access code didn’t work. Apparently, the book comes with a one-time use only code and buying it used pretty much guaranteed I wouldn’t have access to the test. Bah! I wanted some greater insight on myself, dog gone it!
Opening up that wonderful piece of candy was the highlight of the day. And it was so quickly dashed to a thousand shiny pieces as you find out that there was nothing inside. You now stood there, disappointed, out a few bucks, and left without your treat. Phooey!
The Goodies are Here Folks – The Free Aptitude Test Awaits You!
What is an aptitude? Some skill or innate quality. What is a strength? Something you’re good at. What’s a weakness? Something that could be holding you back.
I’ve completed the free RichardStep Strengths and Weaknesses Aptitude Test (RSWAT). It’ll run you through a grouping of positive, uplifting questions to get toward your results. There, you’ll find your top 3 strengths and 1 weakness, or what I like to call – your GREATEST OPPORTUNITY! :)
Please, come take the RSWAT and let’s get you moving up in your life!
Take the free aptitude test and grow today.
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Base photo credits go to: Muscle Lady and Candybar — I did the mangling.