5 Minds for the future alright – more details TBD.
I just finished another book from my reading / learning lists:
Five Minds for the Future by Howard Gardner Published: Harvard Business School Press (February 2005) ISBN-10: 1422145352 ISBN-13: 9781422145357
Rating: 2 / 5 Stars –> “It was okay”
Pros: Good detail and evidence of research on the supposedly well defined different intelligences that have been observed through the ages. (Mostly) well written, decently presented, and (as always) I appreciated the audiobook format.
Cons: A little dense at times though this was expected given the nature and presentation of this book. Very light on “take-away” information as I found myself simply agreeing with the author’s conclusions as opposed to making notes on how to improve my life (my expectations obviously too high for this book). I also have a bit of a qualm with the lack of any real focus put on a “new mind” or “over-shadowing mind” that might encompass, influence, and form these minds he presents… namely, the spiritual. His theories have a static air about them and don’t seem to take into account time, progression, and “self-actualization”.
Assessment: I probably wouldn’t read it again and wouldn’t recommend a retail buy for this one. Borrow or bargain store – go for it.