Looking for a really good book to read? Well, check out my list below and pop on over to my GoodReads profile - I do reviews!
I finally decided to sit down and catalog a large portion of my physical ‘library’ as I’ve been putting it of for some time now. I really, REALLY hated keeping up with all of the information in an Excel Spreadsheet, but I kept on doing for good archival & reference purposes.
As I mentioned a few posts ago, I stumbled across an absolutely fantastic website: www.goodreads.com and let me tell you… I won’t look back ever again!
A quick search of the ISBN, title, author, of some combination thereof and BAAM there is my book! I simply rate it of shelf it and it is now part of my own personal database. Yes, I am a geek and yes this does excite me. LOL :) Check out my profile – 144 books now! More to come!
I can hear you saying to yourself, “…but it’s on some webpage and it could be hacked, go down, go away, et cetera!!!”
Maybe, but there is an “export to CSV” function available that will blow your mind. I guess it brought me right back to where I was – a spreadsheet… only this time I didn’t do all of the typing and I am only using the spreadsheet as a backup to the official list. Did I mention GoodReads can also take your CSV file back and import your books again in case something happens? drool
Anyway, I can’t praise these guys enough and I’ve gone from dreading to track my books to being exciting to add another to my virtual library. Check it out and share your experience with me, please!
88 additional books listed below:
Title | Author (LN, FN) | ISBN-10 |
501 Best Shop Tips for Woodworkers: The Essential Question-And-Answer Woodworking Guide | Settich, Robert J. | 1890621587 |
Algorithms in C, Parts 1-4: Fundamentals, Data Structures, Sorting, Searching (3rd Edition) | Sedgewick, Robert | 0201314525 |
Antenna Theory: Analysis and Design, 2nd Edition | Balanis, Constantine A. | 0471592684 |
Applied Electromagnetism (Pws Engineering Foundation) | Shen, Liang C. | 0534947220 |
Brewer’s Dictionary of Phrase and Fable (16th Edition) | Brewer, Ebenezer Cobham | 006019653X |
Building Catholic Family Traditions | Thigpen, Thomas Paul | 0879736860 |
C for Scientists and Engineers | Johnsonbaugh, Richard | 0023611367 |
C How to Program, 2nd Edition | Deitel, Harvey M. | 0132261197 |
Centrifugal Pumps: Design and Application, Second Edition | Lobanoff, Val S. | 087201200X |
Children’s Medications Guide Book | Webber, Jackie | 0131518879 |
Conceived Without Sin | Jr., Bud Macfarlane | 096463161X |
Crafts and Hobbies | Digest, Reader’s | 0895770636 |
Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in C (2nd Edition) | Weiss, Mark Allen | 0201498405 |
Deadly Daffodils, Toxic Caterpillars: The Family Guide to Preventing and Treating Accidental Poisoning Inside and Outside the Home | Holstege, Christopher P. | 1584794925 |
Dictionary of Saints | Delaney, John J. | 0385515200 |
Differential Equations: A First Course, Third Edition | Guterman, Martin M. | 0030728789 |
Electronics | Hambley, Allan R. | 0136919820 |
Encyclopedia of 7700 Illustrations: Signs of the Times | Tan, Paul L. | 0932940021 |
Encyclopedia of Family Health & First Aid | Kerwin-Nye, Anita | 1405421843 |
Essential Catholic Survival Guide | Answers, Staff of Catholic | 1888992816 |
Essential Guide to Vitamins and Minerals | Staff, Health Media of America | 0062730452 |
Essentials of Human Anatomy & Physiology (7th Edition) | Marieb, Elaine N. | 0805353852 |
Experimental Psychology | Myers, Anne | 0534339794 |
Fertility, Cycles & Nutrition | Shannon, Marilyn | 0926412094 |
Fundamentals of Engineering Electromagnetics (Addison-Wesley Series in Electrical Engineering) | Cheng, David K. | 0201566117 |
Fundamentals of Logic Design | Roth, C. | 0495073083 |
Games and Decisions | Luce, R. Duncan | 0471553417 |
Good News About Sex and Marriage: Answers to Your Honest Questions About Catholic Teaching | West, Christopher | 0867166193 |
Haley’s Cleaning Hints | Haley, Graham | 045121191X |
Holy Bible: Revised Standard Version | Anonymous, Anonymous | 0898704901 |
Hope for the Troubled Heart | Graham, Billy | 0849935253 |
House of Gold | Jr., Bud Macfarlane | 0964631636 |
Hurlbut’s Story of the Bible, Original Edition (Yesterday’s Classics) | Hurlbut, Jesse Lyman | 1599151782 |
Illustrated guide to gardening (updated w/ color) | Digest, Reader’s | 0895778297 |
INTEL Microprocessors 8086/8088, 80186/80188, 80286, 80386, 80486, Pentium, Prentium ProProcessor, Pentium II, III, 4 (7th Edition) | Brey, Barry B. | 0131195069 |
Intelligence Reframed: Multiple Intelligences for the 21st Century | Gardner, Howard | 0465026117 |
Jerry Baker’s It Pays to Be Cheap!: 1,973 of the Niftiest, Swiftiest, and Thriftiest Secrets on Earth for Spendin’ Less and Savin’ More on . . . Food, … Everything! (Jerry Baker’s Good Home series) | Baker, Jerry | 0922433453 |
Jesus of Nazareth | XVI, Pope Benedict | 0747592780 |
Letters to Jesus (Answered) | Kreeft, Peter J. | 089870233X |
Mass Confusion: The Do’s & Don’ts of Catholic Worship, Second Edition, Expanded | Akin, James | 1888992050 |
Microcontrollers and Microcomputers: Principles of Software and Hardware Engineering | Cady, Fredrick M. | 0195110080 |
Microelectronic Circuits, 4th Ed. | Sedra, Adel S. | 0195116909 |
Microwave Engineering | Pozar, David M. | 0471448788 |
Miller and Freund’s Probability and Statistics for Engineers | Johnson, Richard Arnold | 0137214081 |
My Utmost for His Highest | Chambers, Oswald | 0916441822 |
Nelson’s Illustrated Bible Dictionary | Lockyer, Herbert | 0840749554 |
New Picture Book of Saints/235/22: Illustrated Lives of the Saints for Young and Old | Lovasik, Lawrence G. | 0899422357 |
Numerical Methods for Engineers: With Software and Programming Applications | Chapra, Steven C. | 0072431938 |
Operating System Concepts | Silberschatz, Abraham | 0471694665 |
PDR for Nonprescription Drugs, Dietary Supplements, and Herbs, 2008 (PDR for Nonprescription Drugs) | Pdr, Pdr | 156363662X |
Peace of Soul | Sheen, Fulton J. | 0892439157 |
Phantastes | MacDonald, George | 160096401X |
Pierced By A Sword | Jr., Bud Macfarlane | 0964631601 |
Plant Propagation in Pictures: How to Increase the Number of Plants in Your Home and Garden by Division, Grafting, Layering, Cuttings, Bulbs and Tube | Free, Montague | 0385129866 |
Programming Perl (2nd Edition) | Wall, Larry | 1565921496 |
Salas and Hille’s Calculus: Several Variables, 7th Edition | Salas, Saturnino L. | 0471123668 |
Signals and Systems: Continuous and Discrete | Ziemer, Rodger E. | 0130472905 |
Taylor’s Guide to Gardening in the South (Taylor’s Weekend Gardening Guides) | Buchanan, Rita | 0395596815 |
The 5000 Year Leap: The 28 Great Ideas That Changed the World | Skousen, W. Cleon | 0880801484 |
The Bad Catholic’s Guide to Good Living | Zmirak, John | 0824523008 |
The Bad Catholic’s Guide To Wine, Whiskey, And Song: A Spirited Look at Catholic Life and Lore from the Apocalypse to Zinfandel | Zmirak, John | 082452411X |
The Book of Survival: The Original Guide to Staying Alive in the City, the Suburbs, and the Wild Lands Beyond, Third Edition | Greenbank, Anthony | 157826149X |
The Catholic Home: Celebrations and Traditions for Holidays, Feast Days, and Every Day | Gould, Meredith | |
The City of God | Hippo, Augustine of | 1433254255 |
The Complete Chronicles of Narnia | Lewis, C.S. | |
The Confessions of St Augustine | Hippo, Augustine of | |
The Dark Night of the Soul | Cross, St. John of the | 0543994309 |
The Divine Comedy | Alighieri, Dante | 0679433139 |
The Federalist Papers | Hamilton, Alexander | 0451528816 |
The Interior Castle | Jesús, Santa Teresa de | 1594480052 |
The Medical Advisor: The Complete Guide to Alternative & Conventional Treatments | Books, Time-Life | 0809467372 |
The Meditations of Marcus Aurelius | Aurelius, Marcus | |
The Natural Nursery: The Parent’s Guide to Ecologically Sound, Nontoxic, Safe, and Healthy Baby Care | Pottkotter, Louis | 0809237660 |
The Pictorial Encyclopedia of Plants and Flowers | Novak, F. A. | 0517095408 |
The Pilgrim’s Progress | Bunyan, John | 1581734816 |
The Rodale Herb Book: How to Use, Grow, and Buy Nature’s Miracle Plants (An Organic gardening and farming book) | Hylton, William H. | 0878570764 |
The Vaccine Handbook: A Practical Guide for Clinicians | Marshall, Gary S. | 0781735696 |
The Vitamin C Connection | Cheraskin, E. | 0060380241 |
Theology and Sanity | Sheed, F.J. | 0898704707 |
To Know Christ Jesus | Sheed, F.J. | 0898704197 |
US Army Survival Manual: FM 21-76 | Defense, U.S. Department of | 0967512395 |
Verilog HDL (2nd Edition) | Palnitkar, Samir | 0130449113 |
What to Expect the Toddler Years | Murkoff, Heidi | 0894809946 |
What Would Jesus Do?: A Contemporary Retelling of Charles M. Sheldon’s Classic, in His Steps | Sheldon, Garrett W. | 0805460675 |
Where the Sidewalk Ends | Silverstein, Shel | 0060513039 |
While Waiting, Third Revised Edition | Verrilli, George E. | 031228294X |
Woodworking Basics: The Essential Benchtop Reference | Spence, William P. | 0806909412 |
Your Baby and Child: From Birth to Age Five (Revised Edition) | Leach, Penelope | 0375700005 |