Ah, the age old question: complexity, internal meaning, self-worth, purpose. All of these things that make up the infinite, or almost infinite, because you’re not God, you. The unique, creative, awesome you. You cannot fully understand yourself while you’re on this planet and who’s to say how full of an understanding you’ll have at your […]
31 Reasons to Convince You that Happiness is Love
Love is the center of all things, and when we are in tune with it, we are happy. God is love, and to be near to God, is to be in a place of happiness. When we feel love, share love, act in ways to love others, there is happiness. To improve one’s personal life, […]
Running Away From Homework? You Might Want to See This
I know, you’ve had a long day at school. Whether it’s middle school, high school, college, it doesn’t matter. It’s all homework, it’s all the same. Or you just have a project even at work and taking it home. We’ll focus on school though because that’s probably who’s searching for this. It’s been rough, you […]
Are You Doing These 46 Things to Better Believe in Yourself?
To believe in yourself is to do what you think you should do regardless of the consequences. It is the ultimate confidence. If you wanted to direct a movie then do something as close as you can start recording with your phone or buy a video recorder. Whatever if feel that you should be doing […]
Getting Ahead Financially Can Stop You From A Scary Future
The brass tacks of it all? You’ve got to spend less, make more, and make “what you make” make more for you, without doing anything with it. Saving more? I know you’ve heard it all: stop drinking your lattes, cancel your cable, don’t go on vacation, yadda yadda, blah blah blah… Some of that may […]
Risk is Scary! 46 Tips for Managing the Unknown in Life
Risk management is something that you have to understand before making important decisions. There’s gut instincts and choices that are made from experience but understanding the chances of losses you should realize to make choices that may allow you for a backup plan. A person who has some experience with success should tap into what […]
What Is The Best Way To Listen To Audiobooks?
If you’ve got access to your local library or a service through the company you work for if it’s a big corporation, they might have access to books 24/7 or Safari Books. There are a ton of audio books available on there that you can download in MP3 or .WAV format. Also, if you just […]
God is Good! Here are 59 Reasons Why You’ll Agree
God is faithful, loving, compassionate, forgiving, and trustworthy. He is true to his word, and loves us greatly. His heart for us is bigger than we could imagine, and his grace is overflowing, and his mercy overwhelming. To look to God and trust in his goodness and promises means to surrender one’s worry and fears […]
Isn’t It About Time You Learned Some Time Management Skills?
The time is forever fleeting. The day we are born is the day we begin to die. Your life slowly going away. You’ll never get it back. Every choice you make is you trading that day you have, this very day for whatever you get done that day. So much to think about, right? So […]