I was sitting at my desk and wondering how long until lunch. I needed coffee in order to manage the next few hours or I would be asleep fast. It was a daily struggle. There was no excusing it. It was hard not to fall asleep on the job. The endless reports could easily send […]
INFJ: Counselor — Jung 16 Personality Types Test Results
INFJ: Counselor. Here are the top characteristics of this Jungian Personality Type: They make it their duty to find the purpose and connections behind everything they touch and think about. Believe that relationships, goods, and random ideas fit into the big picture somehow. Tend to have a good grasp on what makes people tick and […]
INFP: Healer — Jung 16 Personality Types Test Results
INFP: Healer. Here are the top characteristics of this Jungian Personality Type: These visionaries are focused on the future but are dedicated to those closest to them. Their core-values are deeply cherished and seek to align their environment accordingly. Curiosity is a key factor as they actively see patterns and available opportunities. Can be the […]
ENFJ: Teacher — Jung 16 Personality Types Test Results
ENFJ: Teacher. Here are the top characteristics of this Jungian Personality Type: A pillar of responsibility and empathy. They are very much in-tune with others’ inner-drive, emotions, and desires. Not only do they find it rather easy to discover the potential in others, they actively seek to bring it out in both individuals and teams. […]
ESTJ: Supervisor — Jung 16 Personality Types Test Results
ESTJ: Supervisor. Here are the top characteristics of this Jungian Personality Type: Quick to take action on decisions as long as they are directly applicable and practical. Born organizers and doers of just getting things done. Seek no-nonsense approaches to steam-rolling toward their biggest goals in the most sensible way available. They absolutely love handling […]
ESFJ: Provider — Jung 16 Personality Types Test Results
ESFJ: Provider. Here are the top characteristics of this Jungian Personality Type: They wear their hearts on their sleeves while giving their all to the folks around them. They seek to treat people fairly and see that others work in as harmonious a way as possible. They are not the lone wolf type and will […]
ENTP: Promoter — Jung 16 Personality Types Test Results
ENTP: Inventor. Here are the top characteristics of this Jungian Personality Type: Able to voice their thoughts with ease, speed, and ingenuity. They are keenly alert to their environment and are quite good at tackling new problems. Good at thinking through ideas strategically, while being able to judge their overall value and usefulness. Usually quite […]
ENTJ: Fieldmarshal — Jung 16 Personality Types Test Results
ENTJ: Fieldmarshal. Here are the top characteristics of this Jungian Personality Type: They are quick to lead & won’t hesitate to let others know what’s going on. They are eagle-eyed when it comes to pointing out inefficiencies in processes and procedures. They excel at designing, implementing, and empowering very robust systems inside of organizations in […]
INTJ: Mastermind — Jung 16 Personality Types Test Results
INTJ: Mastermind. Here are the top characteristics of this Jungian Personality Type: True creative and ingenious minds, seeking to attain their goals through implementing their ideas instead of just collecting them. Actively and easily see patterns and connections in their environment and interests. They are especially good at seeing how things fit into their overall […]