Communication is a broad topic that many people have a small understanding of. There is no place for it that is more important than in a relationship, with the Law, and during an interview. These are situations where people are, or the other party is, very much interested in paying attention and delving into the […]
The Top 4 Ways To Impress A Job Interviewer With Your Appearance
I know you’re not the kind of person who’s just going to show up in sandals, shorts, and a tank top shirt for an interview. But, there are maybe small subtleties that have lost favor in our current society. This is also true for what we see in the media and whatnot, and this needs […]
4 Proven Ways To Pick The Right Job When You Have Multiple Offers
I wish more people had this problem in life, right? You have five awesome job offers on your plate and your just not sure which one to pick. Granted I know this is for a very small amount of people out there but it is a problem. Choose your path wisely. This is especially true […]
Stand Tall! Your Job Interview Must Include These 4 Body Language Tips To Be Successful
Body language is one of those wishy-washy things that is completely and utterly powerful when it comes to communicating effectively. However, not a whole lot of people know much about it, and what they do know about it is lacking to say the least. Stand tall and firm – it’s go time. However, if you […]
5 Job Description Secrets That Help You Get A Good Job, Or Avoid The Wrong One
I’ve looked through and have seen tons and tons of job descriptions out there, that’s part of what I’m interested, and I like to see what’s going on. And I can tell you there are trends that I see from certain companies and certain positions that have revealed five very useful secrets that will help […]
Be Prepared For Your Job Interview With These 6 Winning Hints
The job interview process can be confusing, scary, and something that is unknown to most people. Chances are you haven’t been on too many interviews, and if you have, I’m sorry. Not a lot of people have experience with this process. Little Jonny is always prepared. It’s something that takes a lot of skill and […]
Best 3 Ways To Research A Company When You Are Interviewing For A New Job
You’ve seen the advice all over the internet, in career development sessions, and in blog posts everywhere. But do you really know what it means to research a company? Research doesn’t have to be tough. Now, I’m not talking about diving into their sales figures or pulling up their annual reports though there is useful […]
Hey Stinky! Use These 4 Hygiene Tips To Boost Your Job Interviewing Success
I would hazard to guess that most people don’t have to worry about general hygiene when it comes to job interviews. However times are tough, people are rushed, and we just sometimes forget about things. Dust of those muddy shoes, folks. You know the people I’m talking about that they maybe don’t take a shower […]
5 Ways To Leave a Good Impression on a Job Interview Phone Call
I’ve seen a recent trend to give phone interviews for the start of the entire candidate selection process. This is a good thing. You don’t want to drive all the way across town if the job’s not a good fit for you, and likewise the company doesn’t want you driving all the way across town […]